Home Colors NCS
NCS S 0515-R

NCS S 0515-R

HEX Triplet:
255, 220, 213
0, 20, 14, 0
10°, 16%, 100%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
Pale pink
in RAL Classic:
RAL 9002
in RAL Design:
RAL 050 90 10
in RAL Effect:
RAL 150-6
What color is NCS S 0515-R? The Crimson Canvas
2024-08-30 Snargl 02:10

What color is NCS S 0515-R?

NCS S 0515-R color example: Pink warhammer with a large sword and a helmet on it's head and a large shield on his arm
Futuristic vehicle is driving through a desert area with a moon in the background. Example of CMYK 0,20,14,0 color.
Woman in a kimono is standing in front of a building with a lantern on it's roof. Example of NCS S 0515-R color.
NCS S 0515-R is a light pink color with a hue of red and a chromaticness of 15%.

NCS S 0515-R is a color so light
It looks like a rose in the moonlight
It has a hue of red, but not too bright
It’s perfect for a romantic night

But don’t be fooled by its gentle tone
It’s not a color to be left alone
It can be bold and fierce when it wants to be
It can make a statement with its beauty

So if you’re looking for a color that’s versatile
NCS S 0515-R is worth your while
It can be soft and sweet or strong and wild
It’s a color that will always make you smile
Funny stories about the 'NCS S 0515-R'

The Crimson Canvas

Long time ago, in the heart of Amsterdam, where the canals wove their way through the city like threads in a tapestry, lived an artist named Nexia Gold. Nexia was known for her vibrant and unconventional use of colors, transforming ordinary spaces into extraordinary realms of imagination. Her latest project, however, was proving to be a challenge. She had been commissioned to design a room using the color "NCS S 0515-R," a shade of crimson that was both bold and unusual.

Nexia stood in the empty room, its white walls a blank canvas waiting for her touch. She had a vision, but she needed something more to bring it to life. As she pondered, a knock on the door interrupted her thoughts. It was Monica Korr, the delivery worker who had become a familiar face over the past few weeks. Monica was always cheerful, her presence a ray of sunshine on even the gloomiest days.
Woman in a pink jacket and necklace standing in front of a building with lights in the background. Color RGB 255,220,213.

"Good morning, Nexia!" Monica greeted with a smile, holding a package. "I've got your delivery."

"Ah, Monica, just the person I needed to see," Nexia replied, her eyes lighting up. "Come in, come in. I could use your opinion on something."

Monica stepped inside, her curiosity piqued. "What are you working on this time?"

Nexia gestured to the room. "This is my latest project. I need to use this specific shade of crimson, but I'm struggling to find the right balance. What do you think?"

Monica looked around, her eyes scanning the room. "Crimson, huh? That's a bold choice. But I think it could be amazing if done right."

Nexia nodded. "Exactly. I want it to be striking but not overwhelming. I was thinking of using it as an accent color, but I'm not sure where to start."

Monica thought for a moment. "Why not use it to create a focal point? Maybe a feature wall or some unique artwork that draws the eye."

Nexia's eyes widened with excitement. "That's brilliant! A feature wall could be just what this room needs. And I could create a mural that incorporates the crimson in a way that's both bold and harmonious."
Narrow street with potted plants and a staircase leading to a building with a balcony and balconies. Example of CMYK 0,20,14,0 color.

With renewed inspiration, Nexia set to work. She began by painting one wall in the rich, vibrant crimson, letting the color breathe life into the space. As she worked, Monica watched in awe, fascinated by the transformation taking place before her eyes.

"You're really talented, Nexia," Monica said, her voice filled with admiration. "I never would have thought to use crimson like this."

Nexia smiled, her brush moving with confidence. "Thank you, Monica. Your suggestion was exactly what I needed. Sometimes, a fresh perspective makes all the difference."

Over the next few days, Nexia continued to work on the mural, blending the crimson with other colors to create a stunning piece of art. The room began to take shape, each stroke of the brush adding depth and character. Monica visited often, bringing supplies and offering encouragement.

One afternoon, as Nexia was putting the finishing touches on the mural, Monica arrived with a surprise. "I brought you something," she said, handing Nexia a small package.

Nexia opened it to find a set of crimson cushions, perfectly matching the shade of the feature wall. "Monica, these are perfect! Thank you so much."

Monica grinned. "I thought they might add a nice touch. You've done an incredible job with this room. It's truly a work of art."

Nexia looked around, her heart swelling with pride. The room had been transformed into a vibrant, inviting space, the crimson adding a touch of drama and elegance. "I couldn't have done it without your help, Monica. You've been an amazing friend and collaborator."

Monica blushed. "I'm just glad I could be a part of it. You've shown me that even the boldest colors can be used in beautiful and unexpected ways."

As they stood together, admiring the finished room, Nexia realized that the true beauty of the project lay not just in the colors and design, but in the collaboration and friendship that had brought it to life. The crimson canvas was more than just a room; it was a testament to the power of creativity and the magic that happens when people come together to create something extraordinary.

And so, the story of Nexia Gold and Monica Korr became a legend in Amsterdam, inspiring others to embrace bold choices and unexpected collaborations in their own creative endeavors. The room, with its striking crimson feature wall, stood as a reminder that sometimes, the most unusual ideas can lead to the most beautiful results.

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