Home Colors NCS
NCS S 0502-G

NCS S 0502-G

HEX Triplet:
250, 253, 247
3, 0, 5, 0
90°, 2%, 99%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
Mint cream
in RAL Classic:
RAL 9016
in RAL Design:
RAL 360 92 05
in RAL Effect:
RAL 120-2
What color is NCS S 0502-G? The Great Green Revolution: The Tale of NCS S 0502-G
2024-08-24 Snargl 02:12

What color is NCS S 0502-G?

Woman with white hair and a white jacket on a city street with tall buildings in the background. Color NCS S 0502-G.
NCS S 0502-G color example: Man with a white shirt and a blue jacket smiling at the camera with his hands in his pockets
Woman with pink hair and makeup in a costume with a skeleton face paint on her face. Color CMYK 3,0,5,0.
NCS S 0502-G means that the color has a hue of green (G), and a nuance of 5% blackness, 93% whiteness and 2% chromaticness.

It is a very light and pale green color, with a slight hint of blue.

The NCS S 0502-G color can be converted to other color models, such as RGB, CMYK, HEX, or HSL.

Here are some of the conversions of NCS S 0502-G to other color models:
  • RGB: 250, 253, 247

  • CMYK: 3, 0, 5, 0

  • HEX: #FAFDF7

  • HSL: 90, 2, 99

The NCS S 0502-G color can be used for various applications, such as interior design, architecture, painting, or branding.

It is a neutral and soothing color that can create a sense of calmness, freshness, and harmony.

NCS S 0502-G can also be combined with other colors to create different effects, such as contrast, balance, or accent.

Example of the palette with the NCS S 0502-G color

Picture with primary colors of Dark jungle green, Platinum, Turquoise, Dark slate gray and Air Force Blue
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
Funny stories about the 'NCS S 0502-G'

The Great Green Revolution: The Tale of NCS S 0502-G

Far-far away, in the bustling city of Chromopolis, where colors ruled every aspect of life, a peculiar shade known as NCS S 0502-G was about to make history. This unassuming green, often overlooked in favor of its more vibrant cousins, was destined for greatness thanks to two unlikely heroes: Dr. Iona Powell, a brilliant but eccentric color scientist, and Maximilian Rodriguez, a delivery worker with a knack for serendipity.

Dr. Iona Powell was renowned for her groundbreaking research in color theory. Her lab, filled with beakers of swirling hues and canvases splattered with experimental shades, was a testament to her dedication. Yet, despite her brilliance, she had one obsession that baffled her peers: NCS S 0502-G. This muted green had captured her imagination, and she was determined to prove its potential in motion design.
NCS S 0502-G color. Bird with a long neck and a long beak standing on a rock in front of a cityscape

Maximilian Rodriguez, on the other hand, was a delivery worker who navigated the chaotic streets of Chromopolis with ease. Known for his impeccable timing and uncanny ability to deliver packages just when they were needed most, Max had a reputation for being in the right place at the right time. Little did he know, his next delivery would change the course of color history.

One fateful morning, Max received an urgent delivery request from Dr. Powell's lab. As he arrived, he found the doctor in a frenzy, surrounded by sketches and prototypes. "Max, you're just in time!" she exclaimed, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "I need you to deliver this prototype to the Motion Design Conference. It's our last chance to showcase the power of NCS S 0502-G!"

Max, always up for an adventure, agreed without hesitation. He carefully loaded the prototype - a small device that projected mesmerizing animations in NCS S 0502-G - into his delivery van and set off for the conference. Along the way, he encountered a series of bizarre obstacles: a parade of dancing flamingos, a spontaneous street performance by a troupe of mimes, and even a rogue balloon vendor whose helium-filled creations blocked the road.
Bunch of flowers that are in the grass together with a blurry background. Example of NCS S 0502-G color.

Despite these challenges, Max's determination never wavered. He arrived at the conference just as the keynote speaker was finishing. With seconds to spare, he rushed to the stage and handed the prototype to Dr. Powell, who was waiting anxiously.

As the lights dimmed and the device powered on, the audience was treated to a spectacle unlike any they had seen before. The animations, rendered in the subtle yet captivating shade of NCS S 0502-G, seemed to dance off the screen. The color's unique ability to evoke calmness and creativity left the audience in awe.

News of the presentation spread like wildfire. Designers and artists from around the world began experimenting with NCS S 0502-G, incorporating it into their projects. The color became a symbol of innovation and elegance, earning the nickname "The Green Revolution."

Dr. Powell and Max were hailed as pioneers. The doctor continued her research, uncovering new applications for NCS S 0502-G, while Max found himself in high demand as a consultant for color logistics. Together, they had sparked a movement that transformed the world of motion design.

And so, the once-overlooked NCS S 0502-G rose to prominence, proving that even the most unassuming colors could shine brightly with a little creativity and a lot of determination. The Great Green Revolution had begun, and Chromopolis would never be the same.

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