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Water elemental

Water elemental

2023-08-06 Snargl 7 minutes 10 seconds

What is a Water elemental?

Water elemental with a blue body of water in front of a waterfall and a full moon in the sky
Blue skull with a blue face and a blue body of water in front of a mountain range with rocks
Water elemental with blue hair and a body of water in a body of water with rocks and mountains in the background
Water elemental with blue hair standing in a river with a city in the background and a giant body of water
Green Water elemental standing in a body of water with a mountain in the background and a river running through it
Water elemental with blue hair and wings standing in front of a moon and water background with a moon behind her
Painting of a Water elemental with a body of water in front of a sunset and a mountain in the background

A water elemental is a creature of the sea
It can swim and splash and drown you with glee
It's made of liquid, so it can squeeze through tight spaces
But it hates the cold, and it has no faces

It can be summoned by a mage or a priest
But it won't be happy, to say the least
It will try to escape or attack its master
Unless it's bound by a magic caster

A water elemental can be a friend or a foe
Depending on how you treat it, you know
It can help you sail or sink your boat
It can quench your thirst or choke your throat

Example of the color palette for the image of Water elemental

Picture with primary colors of Dark slate gray, Medium turquoise, Papaya whip, Onyx and Salmon
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 1050-B30G
RAL Classic
RAL 6028
RAL 6027
RAL 9001
RAL 9005
RAL 3012
RAL Design
RAL 180 30 15
RAL 075 90 10
RAL 170 20 20
RAL 040 70 50
RAL Effect
RAL 150-4
RAL 410-1

What does a Water elemental look like?

Statue of a Water elemental with a glowing eye and a body of water in front of a cemetery with a cross
Water elemental with a blue hair standing in a river next to a waterfall with water cascading down it
Statue of a Water elemental in the water at night time with a street light in the background
Water elemental with a weird body standing in the water in a city with tall buildings and a giant plant
Water elemental in the water with a weird face and a body of water around him, with a sunset in the background

A water elemental is a creature made of living water that can take various shapes and forms.

It is usually associated with the element of water in ancient and esoteric traditions, such as Greek philosophy, Indian cosmology, and Chinese medicine.

This creature can be summoned by a spellcaster or a druid, or it can inhabit a natural body of water, such as a lake, a river, or an ocean.

A water elemental has a fluid and transparent body that can change its size and shape according to its surroundings.

It can move through narrow spaces without squeezing, and it can enter a hostile creature's space and stop there.

This elemental can also create waves, whirlpools, and jets of water to attack its enemies.

It is resistant to acid and nonmagical physical damage, but it is vulnerable to cold damage, which can freeze it and slow it down.

A water elemental can communicate with other water creatures using the Aquan language, which sounds like bubbling and splashing noises.

It has a low intelligence and a neutral alignment, meaning it does not have a strong moral or ethical code.

A water elemental can be friendly or hostile depending on how it is treated by other beings.

Some water elementals are loyal to their summoners, while others are wild and unpredictable.

A water elemental can be a powerful ally or a dangerous foe, depending on the situation.

It can control the water around it and use it to its advantage.

It can also grapple, restrain, and drown its opponents with its whelm ability.

A water elemental is a formidable creature that should not be underestimated.

Example of the color palette for the image of Water elemental

Picture with primary colors of Dark sienna, Dark gray, Baby pink, Purple taupe and AuroMetalSaurus
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 4010-B30G
RAL Classic
RAL 3007
RAL 9006
RAL 1015
RAL 7024
RAL 9023
RAL Design
RAL 080 20 10
RAL 140 70 05
RAL 010 80 20
RAL 340 30 05
RAL 180 50 05
RAL Effect
RAL 830-2
RAL 480-2

What is the power of the water element?

Water elemental with long hair standing in the water in a city street with buildings and buildings behind her
Painting of a Water elemental with a demon like body and head, standing in the water
Water elemental in a blue suit standing in the water with a light on his chest and a helmet on
Water elemental with a beard and a beard with water on his face and body
Water elemental with blue hair and a body of water in her hands

The power of the water element in fantasy is the ability to manipulate water in its various forms, such as liquid, ice, steam, or mist.

Some water elementals can also control the temperature, pressure, and purity of water, as well as use it to create various constructs or weapons.

Water elementals are often associated with healing, cleansing, adaptability, and change.

Example of the color palette for the image of Water elemental

Picture with primary colors of Rich black, Gainsboro, Cool grey, Black and Dark electric blue
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 6020-B90G
NCS S 3020-R70B
RAL Classic
RAL 6004
RAL 9002
RAL 7001
RAL 9005
RAL 7031
RAL Design
RAL 200 20 20
RAL 120 90 05
RAL 260 60 15
RAL 170 20 25
RAL 260 40 15

Can you see a Water Elemental in water?

Water elemental in a suit standing in a body of water with a giant head and a massive body of water behind him
Man standing in the water with a giant Water elemental in his hand and a glowing light behind him
Giant Water elemental standing in the water with a light blue face and a glowing body of water behind it
Water elemental with a blue body and a blue crown standing in a river surrounded by rocks and trees

A water elemental is a being composed of water and magic, usually with some degree of intelligence and control over its shape and movement.

Depending on the source, water elementals may have different appearances and abilities, but they are generally associated with the element of water and its properties.

A water elemental can blend in with the water it inhabits, making it invisible or nearly so to the naked eye.

However, if the water elemental moves or changes its shape, it may create ripples, bubbles, or splashes that can reveal its presence.

Additionally, some water elementals may have distinctive features that make them stand out from the water, such as eyes, mouths, limbs, or ornaments.

A water elemental does not have a separate form or body from the water, but rather is a manifestation of the water's essence and will.

Therefore, a water elemental cannot be seen as a distinct entity in the water, but only as a part of the water itself.

To perceive a water elemental, you would need to sense its mind or magic, rather than its physical appearance.

Example of the color palette for the image of Water elemental

Picture with primary colors of Gainsboro, Smoky black, Dark midnight blue, UCLA Blue and Tufts Blue
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
RAL Classic
RAL 9002
RAL 9005
RAL 5026
RAL 5023
RAL 5012
RAL Design
RAL 120 90 05
RAL 170 20 20
RAL 270 40 30
RAL 260 50 40

How big is a Water Elemental?

Painting of a female Water elemental in a green costume in a body of water with a castle in the background
Giant green Water elemental standing in a puddle of water in a city street with buildings in the background
Water elemental with a white fur coat and a blue tail standing in a body of water with a mountain in the background
Green Water elemental on a rock reading a book in the water with a moon in the background
Painting of a Water elemental in the water with a mountain in the background

A water elemental is a fantasy creature that is made of water and has some control over it.

The size of a water elemental can vary depending on the source, but generally they are larger than humans and can shape their form as they wish.

Some sources say that water elementals can be as big as a whale, while others say that they can be as small as a puddle.

I met you by the shore one day
You were a wave of blue and green
You caught my eye and drew me in
You were the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen

You told me you were not of this world
You were a spirit of the sea
You could change your shape and size
You were a water elemental, free

You asked me if I wanted to join you
To swim with you in the ocean deep
You said you could show me wonders
That no one else could ever see

I was tempted by your offer
But I was afraid to leave my land
I did not know if I could trust you
Or if you would understand

You said you loved me for who I was
You did not care about my race or creed
You said you only wanted to be with me
To share your life and your water need

You kissed me with your liquid lips
You wrapped me in your wet embrace
You filled me with your gentle warmth
You made my heart beat faster pace

You asked me one more time to come with you
To leave behind my earthly ties
You said you would protect me from the dangers
That lurked beneath the waves and skies

I looked into your eyes and saw your soul
You looked into mine and saw my love
I made my choice and took your hand
We dove into the water, like a dove

We are happy in our watery world
We explore, we play, we laugh, we learn
We are together, we are one
We are a water elemental's love.

Example of the color palette for the image of Water elemental

Picture with primary colors of Light gray, Gray-Tea Green, Medium jungle green, Moonstone blue and Outer Space
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 1550-R80B
RAL Classic
RAL 7047
RAL 9007
RAL 6009
RAL 6034
RAL 7022
RAL Design
RAL 000 85 00
RAL 100 60 05
RAL 200 70 25
RAL 160 30 05

What are water elementals weak to?

Water elemental with blue hair and a green outfit is standing in front of a fountain with a fountain behind her
Demonic Water elemental standing in a dark room with a window behind it and a light shining through the window
Water elemental in a white dress standing in the water at sunset with a tree in the background
Water elementals are fantasy creatures that are made of water and can manipulate it.

They are often found in aquatic environments, such as oceans, lakes, rivers, or swamps.

They have different abilities and weaknesses depending on the source of the fantasy world they belong to.

Here are some examples:
  • In the original Final Fantasy game, water elementals are enemies that are weak to ice magic, but not to thunder magic.

  • In Dungeons & Dragons, water elementals are neutral beings that can enter a hostile creature's space and stop there.
    They can also create a whelm attack that can drown their foes.
    They are resistant to acid and nonmagical physical damage, but they are vulnerable to cold damage.

  • In some fantasy worlds, water elementals are strong against fire and earth magic, but weak against air and metal magic.
    This is based on the idea that water can extinguish fire, erode earth, be evaporated by air, and be cut by metal.

A water elemental is a creature of the sea
It can shape the water as it likes and make a splash with glee
It can swim through narrow spaces and engulf its enemies
But it has some weaknesses that you should know with ease

If you want to fight a water elemental, don't use thunder or fire
They will only make it stronger and increase its ire
Instead, use some ice magic or a blade of metal
They will freeze or slice the water and make it brittle

A water elemental is not a foe to take lightly
It can drown you in a whelm or crush you with its might
But if you know its weakness and use it to your advantage
You can defeat the water elemental and claim your loot as baggage

Example of the color palette for the image of Water elemental

Picture with primary colors of Charcoal, Old lavender, White, Sea blue and Onyx
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 7005-R80B
RAL Classic
RAL 7026
RAL 7003
RAL 9016
RAL 5021
RAL 9005
RAL Design
RAL 000 50 00
RAL 360 92 05
RAL 170 20 20

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