
2024-09-21 Snargl 09:20

What is a Treant?

Treant with a tree trunk and leaves on it's body, in the middle of a forest
Large statue of a Treant standing in front of a full moon with trees and bushes around it
A treant is a type of creature that resembles a tree, but has intelligence, mobility, and the ability to communicate.

Treants are usually found in forests, where they act as guardians and shepherds of the plants and animals.

These creatures are often allies of the forces of good, and oppose those who would harm or exploit nature.

There are different sources that describe treants in different ways.

For example:
  • In the fantasy world of Middle-earth, created by J.R.R.Tolkien, treants are called Ents.
    They are ancient beings who can live for thousands of years, and have a deep knowledge of history and lore.
    Treants have a slow and deliberate speech, and can only be understood by those who know their language.
    They can also animate other trees and make them fight.

  • In the role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons, treants are huge plant creatures that can deal damage with their slam attacks and throw rocks at their enemies.
    These creatures can also use their magic to animate one or two trees per day, and make them act as their allies.
    Treants have a natural armor, and are vulnerable to fire.

Example of the color palette for the image of Treant

Picture with primary colors of Pastel gray, Cool grey, Cafe au lait, Dark lava and Onyx
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
RAL Classic
RAL 9018
RAL 7001
RAL 1011
RAL 9005
RAL Design
RAL 080 80 05
RAL 260 60 15
RAL 040 50 30

What does a Treant look like?

Tree male Treant in a forest with many trees around it and a forest floor
Painting of a horned Treant in a forest with flowers and trees in the background
Statue of a male Treant made out of tree trunks in a forest with fog in the background and trees
Giant tree with a face and a body of water in the background
A treant is a fantasy creature that looks like a large tree with a face and limbs. Treants can move and speak, and they often act as guardians of the forest.

They are usually very old and wise, and they have a deep connection to nature. Treants can vary in appearance depending on the type of tree they resemble, such as oak, birch, or fir. Some treants have branches for arms and roots for feet, while others have more humanoid features.
Treants are often depicted as having green or brown skin, leafy hair, and glowing eyes.

Example of the color palette for the image of Treant

Picture with primary colors of Black, Pale gold, Pine Green, Copper and Cornsilk
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
RAL Classic
RAL 9005
RAL 1000
RAL 5021
RAL 9010
RAL Design
RAL 060 50 50
RAL 010 90 10
RAL Effect
RAL 310-2
RAL 130-4

What is the difference between ent and treant?

Treant with a strange face standing in a forest with trees and bushes in the background
Painting of a swamp Treant standing in the water with a full moon in the background and trees in the foreground
Close up of a statue of a monkey with leaves on it's head and eyes
Painting of a tree stump with a face on it's face and a river running through it
The difference between ent and treant is mainly in the origin and usage of the terms.

Ents are ancient and powerful tree-like beings who can speak and move.

Treant is a word that was derived from ent by adding the suffix -ant, meaning "giant".

Treant is used to refer to similar creatures in other fantasy works, such as Dungeons & Dragons, where treants are sentient trees that can animate other trees and protect the forests.

Treant is also a more generic and lawyer-friendly term than ent, since ent is owned by the Tolkien estate and may be subject to legal restrictions.

Therefore, ent and treant are essentially the same concept, but with different names depending on the source and context.

Example of the color palette for the image of Treant

Picture with primary colors of Pastel gray, Smoky black, Cafe au lait, Coffee and Ivory
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
RAL Classic
RAL 9018
RAL 9005
RAL 1011
RAL 8024
RAL 9010
RAL Design
RAL 080 80 05
RAL 040 50 30
RAL 360 92 05

What is a treant in D&D?

Creepy Treant with red eyes and a creepy face in a cave with mossy rocks and a light shining in the distance
Painting of a Treant with green leaves on its body
Green Treant with a tree on its back in a forest with pink flowers and trees around it
Treant with a weird face and a tree trunk in the woods with leaves on it's body
Giant tree male Treant standing in the middle of a forest with a full moon in the background
A treant is a huge plant creature that resembles a tree, but can move and speak.

They are usually chaotic good in alignment, and they protect the forests from harm.

Treants have the ability to animate other trees and make them fight as their allies.

They are vulnerable to fire damage, but resistant to bludgeoning and piercing damage.

Treants can attack with their powerful slam attacks or by throwing rocks at their enemies.

They can communicate with common, druidic, elvish, and sylvan languages.

Treants are considered to be siege monsters, meaning they deal double damage to objects and structures.

They are have a challenge rating of 9, which means they are very formidable opponents for most adventurers.

Example of the color palette for the image of Treant

Picture with primary colors of Caput mortuum, Turquoise green, Hooker green, Shamrock and Smoky black
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...

How big is a Treant?

Giant tree with a male Treant standing in front of it in a city street with tall buildings and people walking around
Giant tree with a weird looking face and arms in a building with a vaulted ceiling and windows on the side
Large tree with a male Treant like body and a star filled sky in the background
Giant tree with a face in the middle of a field with trees and mountains in the background
Tree with a face on it in a village with a road and buildings in the background
Painting of a tree with a glowing face in the middle of the forest at sunset or dawn with a sun shining through the trees
Giant tree with a male Treant standing in front of it with a lot of trees around it and buildings in the background
A treant is a huge plant creature that resembles a tree.

It can grow up to 30 feet tall and weigh up to 4,500 pounds.

Treants are ancient beings that can live for thousands of years.

They are the guardians of the forests and the allies of the druids and elves.

Treants can move and speak, although they usually remain motionless to blend in with their surroundings.

These creatures can also animate other trees to fight alongside them.

Treants are wise and benevolent, but they can be fierce when defending their homes from threats.

They are not to be confused with ents, which are a fictional race of tree-like beings from J.R.R. Tolkien's fantasy world of Middle-earth.

Ents are similar to treants in appearance and role, but they have some differences, such as having wives and being more vulnerable to fire.

Example of the color palette for the image of Treant

Picture with primary colors of Smoky black, Cadet blue, Dark brown, Camel and Magic mint
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...

Are treants friendly?

Creepy looking Treant standing in the middle of a swamp at night with a full moon in the background
Painting of a Treant with a tree on its back and a forest in the background
Treant with a tree costume on in a city street with tall buildings and cars in the background
Painting of a Treant with leaves on its body and arms
Book with a groote face on top of it next to a book with leaves on it
Small statue of a Treant standing next to a tree in a forest with leaves on its body and eyes
Are treants friendly? That depends on who you ask
Some might say they're gentle, others might say they're brash

They are ancient and wise, but also fierce and proud
They protect the forests, from any harm or crowd

can be allies of druids, and keepers of the grove
They can also be mad, and attack with rock or stove

can change their shape, to match the trees around
They can sense the events, that happen on the ground

are not all the same, they have different looks and traits
They are treants, they are living, they are not just wooden stakes

Example of the color palette for the image of Treant

Picture with primary colors of Beau blue, Onyx, Dark tea green, Field drab and Vegas gold
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
Stories and Legends

The Ballad of the Enchanted Grove

In a time long past, in a realm where the earth whispered ancient secrets, there lay a forest known as Elderglen. This was no ordinary woodlands; it was a realm of vibrant life, where trees walked and spoke, and the winds carried the songs of the earth itself. Elderglen was watched over by a venerable Treant named Thalion, whose roots intertwined with the very heart of the forest. Thalion was a guardian of harmony, a living repository of the forest's lore and melodies.

Yet, even within the bounds of this enchanted haven, discord brewed. A rivalry existed, for Thalion had once been a companion to another Treant named Alden, who now resided in a distant grove, far beyond Elderglen's reach. Their bond had been forged through countless seasons, their roots once entwined in shared purpose and song. But as time passed, a bitter dispute arose over a melody - a tune said to be the source of all harmony in the realm.
Treant with a tree on its head and eyes standing in the water with a lot of trees around it

The melody in question was an ancient song, whispered through the ages and believed to have been crafted by the very essence of creation. It was said to bring balance and peace wherever it was played, a gift to the world from the very breath of the earth. Thalion and Alden had been entrusted with its preservation, but when their paths diverged, so did their interpretations of the melody.

Alden, in his solitude, had grown to believe that the melody was his alone to wield, a tool for his personal vision of balance. Thalion, on the other hand, saw it as a communal gift, a harmony that belonged to the world. Their disagreement grew into a rift, and their rivalry became legend. The song that once symbolized their unity now echoed with the discord of their separation.

Years passed, and the melody faded from the collective memory of the realm. The discord between Thalion and Alden cast a shadow over their respective groves. Elderglen, though still lush and vibrant, felt an undercurrent of sorrow, as if the very trees mourned the lost harmony.

One autumn, a wandering minstrel, a young woman named Lyra, arrived at Elderglen. She was drawn by the haunting whispers of a melody that seemed to seep from the earth itself. Her heart, pure and open, sensed the ancient song's sorrowful absence. Lyra sought Thalion, hoping to uncover the lost melody and restore what had been lost.
Tree male Treant with a purple face and a purple bow around his neck and hands on his chest

Thalion, though wise and patient, was wary. He spoke of the rivalry with heavy words, of how a single melody had divided the guardians and brought about a sadness that lingered in the air. But Lyra's determination and compassion pierced through his weariness. She asked him to guide her to Alden, to mend the rift that had grown between the two Treants.

Reluctantly, Thalion agreed. Together with Lyra, they journeyed through the wilderness to find Alden, whose grove lay shrouded in mist and melancholy. When they arrived, Alden was initially resistant, his heart hardened by years of solitude and regret. But Lyra's presence, and the earnest plea in Thalion's eyes, began to soften his resolve.

As they stood in the midst of the ancient grove, Lyra took out her lute and began to play. The melody she strummed was not the song of rivalry but a new composition inspired by the essence of the ancient tune. Her music wove together the sorrow and joy, the conflict and peace that had defined Thalion and Alden's relationship. The notes rose and fell like the breath of the earth, a healing balm for the rift that had long divided them.

Slowly, Alden's eyes softened with recognition. The melody was familiar yet transformed, embodying the essence of what had been lost. Thalion, too, felt the weight of the years lift from his branches as the music played. The two Treants, moved by the melody's power and Lyra's compassion, reached out to each other, their ancient roots intertwining once more.
Book with a small Treant on top of it in the woods with trees in the background

The forest rejoiced as harmony returned. The ancient melody, no longer a symbol of division, became a testament to redemption and unity. Elderglen and Alden's grove flourished anew, their songs blending into a greater harmony that resonated through the realms.

Lyra, having restored the lost melody and healed the ancient rift, departed with a heart full of fulfillment. Thalion and Alden, now bound not by rivalry but by a shared understanding, continued their guardianship with renewed purpose.

Thus, the tale of Thalion and Alden became a parable in the annals of time, a reminder that even the deepest divisions can be healed through understanding, compassion, and the power of a melody that speaks to the soul of the world. And so, the Ballad of the Enchanted Grove lives on, a timeless testament to the redemptive power of unity and music.

Legend of the Sylvan Awakening

Far-far away, in the dawn of time, when the world was still a canvas of unpainted dreams, the realms of earth, sky, and magic were in delicate harmony. The Great Weaver, an ancient entity whose existence predated the stars, spun the threads of reality with a dexterous hand, crafting the lush landscapes and verdant forests that stretched across the nascent world.

Amidst these primordial forests, there existed a realm known as Sylvanius, a sanctuary where the essence of life and magic intertwined seamlessly. Here, the spirits of the world lived in a symbiotic relationship with the flora and fauna, imbuing the land with vitality and wisdom. The Sylvan Spirits, ethereal beings of immense power and grace, were the architects of this verdant paradise. They danced with the winds, whispered to the trees, and nurtured the life that flourished under their watchful gaze.
Painting of a male Treant with a tree face in the forest with trees and grass around him

One fateful day, a cataclysmic event threatened the delicate balance of Sylvanius. A malevolent force, known only as the Voidbringer, emerged from the cosmic rift between dimensions. It sought to engulf the world in darkness and consume all that was pure and vibrant. The Voidbringer unleashed a blight upon the land, causing the once-lush forests to wither and decay, and the spirits to falter.

Desperate to save their beloved realm, the Sylvan Spirits convened at the heart of the Great Oak, the oldest and wisest tree in existence. It was said that the Great Oak was a living nexus of the world's magic, its roots delving deep into the very core of the earth. The spirits, with their essence dwindling, devised a grand plan to counter the Voidbringer's malevolence.

Their plan involved a ritual of profound significance. The Sylvan Spirits would merge their essence with the Great Oak, transforming it into a living guardian, a Treant, whose strength and resolve would serve as a bulwark against the encroaching darkness. This transformation would come at a great cost, as the spirits would bind their souls to the tree, forsaking their ethereal forms and becoming a part of the physical world.
Treant with a beard and a beard standing in the woods with trees around him and a large tree trunk

The ritual began under a moonless sky, as the spirits chanted ancient incantations and wove intricate patterns of magic around the Great Oak. The air crackled with energy, and the ground trembled with the intensity of their spell. As the final words were spoken, a brilliant surge of light erupted from the Great Oak, and the Sylvan Spirits were drawn into its mighty trunk.

In an instant, the Great Oak was no longer just a tree; it had become a Treant, a colossal being of wood and spirit, with branches that reached towards the heavens and roots that delved deep into the earth. The Treant stood tall, a living embodiment of the Sylvan Spirits' sacrifice and their unyielding determination to protect their realm.

The Voidbringer, sensing the emergence of this formidable guardian, surged forth with renewed fury. The clash between the Treant and the Voidbringer was monumental, shaking the very foundations of the world. The Treant, fueled by the essence of the Sylvan Spirits, fought valiantly, its mighty limbs sweeping through the blight, purging the darkness from the land.
Creepy looking tree with a face on it's head and a male Treant standing in the background in a foggy forest

The battle raged for what seemed like an eternity, but in the end, the Treant's resilience and the spirits' enduring power proved victorious. The Voidbringer was vanquished, its dark essence banished beyond the cosmic rift from whence it came. The forests of Sylvanius began to heal, and life flourished once more under the watchful gaze of the Treant, now a sentinel of the forest.

To this day, the Treants stand as living monuments to the Sylvan Spirits' sacrifice, their presence a reminder of the eternal bond between nature and magic. They protect the forests, guiding lost souls and nurturing the land, ensuring that the world remains a place of beauty and vitality.

Thus, the legend of the Sylvan Awakening endures, a tale of heroism and sacrifice, and the timeless dance between life and magic.

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