Night Elf

2023-08-06 Snargl 5 minutes 20 seconds

Who is a Night Elf?

Night Elf with blue hair and horns in a fantasy setting with a sunset behind her and a castle in the background
Night Elf with pink hair and a elf costume on a beach with a full moon in the background
Night Elf in a white outfit with blue hair and horns stands in a church with pews and stained glass windows
Painting of a female Night Elf with blue makeup and green hair and a green face paint job on her face
Night Elf with purple hair and a blue face wearing armor and holding a sword in his hand

A Night Elf is a fictional race from the Warcraft universe, created by Blizzard Entertainment.

They are also known as kaldorei, which means "children of the stars" in their native language of Darnassian.

They are one of the oldest and most mystical races in Azeroth, having a history that spans over ten thousand years.

The Night Elves have played a pivotal role in shaping the world's fate, especially during the War of the Ancients, when they fought against the Burning Legion's first invasion.

They are characterized by their purple or blue skin, glowing eyes, long ears, and affinity for nature and magic.

Night Elves are mostly nocturnal and reclusive, living in harmony with the forests and wildlife of Kalimdor.

They worship the moon goddess Elune, and are led by her high priestess Tyrande Whisperwind and her husband, the archdruid Malfurion Stormrage.

They are also allied with the Alliance, a faction of races that oppose the Horde in the ongoing conflict for Azeroth's resources and territories.

Night Elves have access to various classes and abilities, such as druids, hunters, mages, priests, rogues, and warriors.

They can also transform into different animal forms, such as saber cats, bears, and owls.

They are known for their agility, stealth, and resilience, as well as their connection to the Emerald Dream, a realm of pure nature.

Night Elves are a popular and iconic race in the Warcraft franchise, appearing in various games, novels, comics, and other media.

They have a rich and complex culture and lore, as well as a distinctive aesthetic and style.

Night Elves are often admired or envied by other races for their longevity, beauty, and wisdom.

Example of the color palette for the image of Night Elf

Picture with primary colors of Seal brown, Copper, Davy grey, Buff and Beaver
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
RAL Classic
RAL 8022
RAL 8001
RAL 7043
RAL 1014
RAL 7034
RAL Design
RAL 060 50 50
RAL 000 35 00
RAL 095 90 50
RAL 030 50 20
RAL Effect
RAL 320-M
RAL 850-6
RAL 270-1
RAL 780-5

What does a Night Elf look like?

Woman in a costume standing next to a train at a station platform
Night Elf with purple hair and horns in a dark costume with a full moon behind her
Night Elf with white hair and horns in a forest with trees and moon behind her
Statue of a woman with horns and blue hair wearing a blue outfit and a horned headpiece
Woman dressed in a costume with horns and horns on her head
Woman in a futuristic suit with horns and horns on her head
Close up of a person with purple hair and horns on their head and a demon like face
Man in a purple suit is walking down a bridge with a city in the background at sunset
Man with purple hair and horns in a dark room with a light on his face and a demon like face
A Night Elf is a fictional race from the World of Warcraft universe.

Night Elves have the following physical characteristics:
  • They are tall and slender, with an average height of 7–8 feet (213 - 244 cm).

  • They have long, pointed ears that can move to express their emotions.

  • They have glowing eyes that vary in color, such as silver, gold, green, blue, or purple.

  • They have blue, purple, or green skin tones, often with markings or tattoos on their faces and bodies.

  • They have long, flowing hair that can be any color, from white to black, or even pink or green.

  • They are agile and graceful, with a natural affinity for nature and magic.

Night Elves are an ancient and mystical race that have played a pivotal role in shaping Azeroth's fate.

They have a rich culture and history, and worship the moon goddess Elune.

They are allied with the Alliance faction, and fight to protect their sacred lands from evil.

Example of the color palette for the image of Night Elf

Picture with primary colors of Dark jungle green, Dark slate gray, UCLA Blue, Cadet blue and Rose quartz
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 8005-B80G
NCS S 3005-R50B
RAL Classic
RAL 8022
RAL 6028
RAL 5023
RAL 5024
RAL 9006
RAL Design
RAL 160 20 20
RAL 180 30 15
RAL 270 40 30
RAL 320 60 15

What color are night elf eyes?

Night Elf with horns and a horned face in front of a full moon sky
Night Elf with purple hair and a horned face and purple hair and horns
Night Elf with blue hair and a blue outfit with horns and horns on her head
Night Elf in a blue and purple outfit standing in front of a castle at night with a glowing eye

Night elves, known as 'kaldorei' or "children of the stars" in their native Darnassian, are a mystical and enigmatic race from the world of Azeroth.

Their eyes are a window to their profound connection with magic and nature, often reflecting the very essence of their being.

Silver eyes are like moonlit pools, shimmering with the wisdom of ages and the depth of the night sky.

They are a testament to the night elves' affinity with the moon and their goddess Elune, whose lunar radiance guides them through the darkness.

Blue eyes are as deep as the ancient oceans that once covered Azeroth, mirroring the tranquility and the relentless power of the tides.

They speak of the night elves' enduring spirit and their unbreakable bond with the natural world.

Amber eyes are rare and considered auspicious, glowing like the first light of dawn.

These captivating hues are not just a feature of their appearance but a reflection of the night elves' storied past, their profound sorrows, and their eternal hopes for the future.

Each pair of eyes tells a story of battles fought, secrets kept, and the timeless dance of shadow and light that plays across their beloved forests.

Example of the color palette for the image of Night Elf

Picture with primary colors of Pang, Seal brown, Light salmon, Steel blue and Wild blue yonder
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 5020-R60B
NCS S 2020-R70B
RAL Classic
RAL 7015
RAL 8022
RAL 1034
RAL 5012
RAL 9006
RAL Design
RAL 290 30 20
RAL 050 70 40
RAL 260 50 40
RAL 270 70 15
RAL Effect
RAL 580-5
RAL 420-2
RAL 170-2

Why are they called night elves?

Night Elf with white hair and blue eyes wearing a horned headpiece and a purple dress with horns
Night Elf with purple hair and horns in a futuristic setting with lights on her face
Group of people in a city with a Night Elf face on their face
Night Elf with purple eyes and a horned headpiece with horns
Night Elf with horns and horns on her head and blue eyes
Night Elf with blue hair and horns on her head and a blue face
Night Elf with blue hair and a blue outfit holding a sword in her hand and wearing a horned head
Night Elf with blue hair and a beard wearing a blue outfit and a blue ring around his neck
Night Elf with long hair and a pink outfit in a field of flowers with a moon in the background
Night Elf with purple hair and a blue body in water with a moon in the background
Night Elf in a costume with horns and a green light on his face and a mountain in the background
Night Elf with horns and horns on her head in a forest with trees and bushes behind her is a demon
Night Elf in a purple outfit standing in a field with a mountain in the background

They are called night elves because they are a race of elves that have a strong connection to the night and the moon.
According to their lore, they were originally a tribe of dark trolls that lived near the Well of Eternity, a powerful source of arcane magic.
They were drawn to the well by its mysterious energy and settled around it.
Over time, the well's magic changed them, making them taller, fairer, and more intelligent.
They also developed a sensitivity to sunlight and a preference for the darkness.
They named themselves kaldorei, which means "children of the stars" in their native language of Darnassian.

The night elves also worshiped the moon goddess Elune, who they believed was the source of the well's power.
They built temples and statues in her honor and followed her guidance.
They believed that Elune watched over them at night and blessed them with her light.
They also developed a close bond with nature and learned to use druidic magic from the demigod Cenarius.

The night elves became a powerful and advanced civilization that ruled most of ancient Kalimdor.
However, their use of arcane magic also attracted the attention of the Burning Legion, a demonic army that sought to destroy all life in the universe.
The Legion invaded Azeroth through the Well of Eternity and waged war against the night elves and their allies.
The war ended with the destruction of the well and the sundering of Kalimdor into several continents.
The night elves survived, but at a great cost.
They lost their immortality, their empire, and many of their people.

After the war, the night elves abandoned arcane magic and focused on druidism and nature.
They also isolated themselves from the rest of the world and lived in secrecy for thousands of years.
They only emerged again when the Burning Legion returned to Azeroth and threatened to destroy it once more.
The night elves joined forces with other races to fight against the Legion and became members of the Alliance.
Since then, they have been more involved in world affairs, but they still retain their connection to the night and the moon.

Example of the color palette for the image of Night Elf

Picture with primary colors of Oxford Blue, Dark byzantium, UCLA Blue, Lavender gray and Lavender
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 5030-R40B
NCS S 1510-R90B
NCS S 1010-R60B
RAL Classic
RAL 5026
RAL 8015
RAL 5023
RAL 7035
RAL 9003
RAL Design
RAL 200 20 23
RAL 330 30 15
RAL 270 40 30
RAL 300 80 05
RAL Effect
RAL 540-6
RAL 630-2
RAL 160-1

What are the night elves powers?

The night elves are a mystical race of elves that live in the world of Azeroth.
They have a deep connection to nature and the moon, and possess various powers that reflect their affinity.

Some of the night elves' powers are:
  • Shadowmeld: The ability to blend into the shadows and become invisible to most enemies.
    This power is enhanced by the light of Elune, the night elves' goddess, who grants them greater stealth at night.

  • Druidism: The practice of shapeshifting into different animal forms and manipulating the forces of nature.
    The night elves learned this power from the demigod Cenarius, who taught them how to respect and protect the natural world.

  • Arcane magic: The manipulation of arcane energy, which is the raw power that fuels the universe.
    The night elves were once masters of this power, but they abused it and caused a cataclysmic event known as the Sundering, which split the world into continents.
    After that, they banned the use of arcane magic and focused on druidism instead.

However, some night elves still practice arcane magic, either secretly or openly, such as the Highborne and the Illidari.

Who is the most famous night elf?

There are many night elves in fantasy lore,
But one stands out above the rest.
He is the first of the druids, and the lord of the forest,
He is Malfurion Stormrage, the shan'do of the kaldorei.

He fought against the Burning Legion, and saved his world from doom,
He slept for ten thousand years, in the Emerald Dream's cocoon.
He awoke to a new age, and joined the Alliance's cause,
He is Malfurion Stormrage, the champion of nature's laws.

He loves his mate Tyrande, and his brother Illidan,
He is wise and kind and brave, and respected by his clan.
He is the most famous night elf, in all of fantasy,
He is Malfurion Stormrage, the hero of Azeroth's history.


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