
2023-08-06 Snargl 4 minutes 13 seconds

Who is a Gnome?

Gnome in a blue and red outfit standing next to a window with a Gnome in the background
Gnome statue on a rock in a stream of water with three other gnomes in the background

A gnome is a mythical creature that is usually depicted as a small, human-like being with a pointed hat and a long beard.

Gnomes are often associated with nature, magic, and underground treasures.

They are also known as earth spirits, gardeners, or miners in different folklore traditions.

Gnomes have appeared in various forms of literature, art, and media throughout history.

Some of the most famous examples are the gnomes in the Harry Potter series, the garden gnomes in various films and cartoons.

These creatures are also popular as collectible figurines, toys, and ornaments.

Example of the color palette for the image of Gnome

Picture with primary colors of Dark lava, Onyx, Dark chestnut, Ash grey and Fern green
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 5020-G10Y
RAL Classic
RAL 8014
RAL 9005
RAL 1036
RAL 7038
RAL 6025
RAL Design
RAL 170 20 20
RAL 050 50 20
RAL 130 50 40

What does a Gnome look like?

Gnome statue standing on a rock near a lake and mountains with flowers in the foreground
Statue of a man with a beard and a hat on his head and a beard
Statue of a gnome on a rock near a body of water at sunset
Gnome standing in a graveyard with a candle in his hand and a full moon in the background
Gnome in a blue outfit standing in a room with a stone floor and a large window in the background
Statue of a gnome with a red hat and a beard and a brown outfit
Gnome statue in front of a row of houses in a city with tall buildings in the background and a cityscape in the foreground
Man with a beard and a big hat on his head is standing in front of a house with a strange looking eye
A gnome is a mythical creature that can have different appearances depending on the culture and folklore.

Generally, gnomes are depicted as small, human-like beings with pointy hats, long beards, and colorful clothes.

They are often associated with nature, magic, and underground treasures.

Here are some examples of how gnomes are described in different sources:
  • In European folklore, gnomes are dwarfish, subterranean goblins or earth spirits who guard mines of precious metals and gems hidden in the earth.

  • In the GNOME project, a free and open source software that provides a desktop environment for UNIX-like operating systems, gnomes are shown as cute and friendly mascots that symbolize simplicity, elegance, and usability.

  • In the New World Encyclopedia, gnomes are classified as one of the four elemental races, along with sylphs, salamanders, and undines.
    They are said to be the guardians of the earth element, and to have the ability to manipulate rocks, metals, and plants.

  • In Russian sources, gnomes are defined as a type of fairy-tale character that originated from the Germanic and Scandinavian mythology.
    They are usually friendly and helpful to humans, but can also be mischievous and pranksters.

As you can see, gnomes can look very different depending on the context and the source.

However, they all share some common traits, such as being small, having a connection to the earth, and possessing some magical powers.

Example of the color palette for the image of Gnome

Picture with primary colors of Gray, Lavender gray, Manatee, Davy grey and Dark jungle green
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 1510-R90B
NCS S 3010-R60B
NCS S 8005-B80G
RAL Classic
RAL 9023
RAL 7035
RAL 7040
RAL 7043
RAL 8022
RAL Design
RAL 000 55 00
RAL 300 80 05
RAL 290 60 15
RAL 000 35 00
RAL 160 20 20

What is considered a gnome?

Gnome figurine standing on a mossy rock in a stream of water with a mountain in the background
Painting of a gnome holding a crystal wand in a forest with a stream of water behind him
Statue of a gnome on a ledge in front of a cityscape with a sun setting behind it
Statue of a gnome holding a stick and a hat on his head
Statue of a gnome holding a stick and a hat on his head

Example of the color palette for the image of Gnome

Picture with primary colors of MSU Green, Bone, Swamp green, Dark pastel blue and Chestnut
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 3050-G50Y
RAL Classic
RAL 6005
RAL 9002
RAL 1027
RAL 6034
RAL 3017
RAL Design
RAL 010 80 10
RAL 270 60 30
RAL 030 50 50
RAL Effect
RAL 750-M
RAL 140-6
RAL 450-4

What is a gnome known for?

Garden gnome statue in a field of flowers and daisies with mountains in the background
Cartoon gnome with a lantern in his hand and a light on his head in a forest setting with a path
Painting of a gnome holding a light in a forest with a crystal ball in his hand and a red hat on his head
Gnome figurine on top of an open book on a table next to a chair and a potted plant
Cartoon gnome with a red hat and a yellow vest is standing in a path in a forest
Cartoon gnome holding a light in a cave with a waterfall in the background

A gnome is a creature of fantasy lore
Who lives in the earth or a garden floor
He has a big nose and a pointy red hat
And sometimes he likes to act like a brat

He can guard the treasures that lie underground
Or help the plants grow healthy and sound
He can speak with riddles or tell a good joke
Or surprise you with a prank or a poke

He is small and hairy and often quite shy
But he can be friendly if you catch his eye
He loves the nature and all its creatures
And he has many charming and quirky features

A gnome is a being who can make you smile
With his wit and his magic and his unique style
He is part of the folklore of many lands
And he can be your friend if you lend him a hand

Example of the color palette for the image of Gnome

Picture with primary colors of Medium turquoise, Blizzard Blue, Teal blue, Prussian blue and Bulgarian rose
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 1050-B30G
RAL Classic
RAL 6027
RAL 9002
RAL 5007
RAL 5026
RAL 3007
RAL Design
RAL 240 80 20
RAL 240 20 22
RAL 040 20 19

Are gnomes male or female?

Painting of a gnome with a long beard and a red hat standing in a field with other gnomes
Cartoon gnome is running through a tunnel with a sky background
Painting of a male Gnome with a beard and a hat on standing in the water with a boat in the background

Example of the color palette for the image of Gnome

Picture with primary colors of Dim gray, Dark lava, Beau blue, Alizarin Crimson and Smoky black
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 1020-B
RAL Classic
RAL 7005
RAL 8014
RAL 9018
RAL 3028
RAL 9005
RAL Design
RAL 320 40 05
RAL 250 80 15
RAL 040 50 70
RAL 170 20 20

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