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2023-07-18 Snargl 0 minute 0 second

What is the animal Zelenotelka known for?

Zelenotelka is the Russian name for a group of dragonflies belonging to the genus Somatochlora, which are also known as emerald dragonflies or green-eyed skimmers.
They are characterized by their metallic green coloration, large and bright green eyes, and long and slender bodies.
They are mostly found in boreal and alpine regions of Eurasia and North America, where they inhabit lakes, ponds, rivers, and streams.
They are active from June to August, and the males patrol their territories by flying over the water or along roads.
They are predators that feed on other insects, such as mosquitoes, flies, and butterflies.
Zelenotelka are known for their beauty, agility, and rarity, as some of them are endangered or threatened by habitat loss, pollution, and climate change.
Some of the most notable species of zelenotelka are:
  • Zelenotelka alpiyskaya (Somatochlora alpestris), also known as the alpine emerald, is a medium-sized dragonfly with a length of 47-55 mm and a wingspan of 28-34 mm.
    It has yellow spots on the corners of its forehead and a narrow light stripe at the base of the second and third segments of its abdomen.
    It is distributed in the mountains and taiga of Europe and Asia, and it is listed as a rare species with a declining population in the Red Book of Amur Oblast.

  • Zelenotelka zalberga (Somatochlora sahlbergi), also known as the treeline emerald, is a large dragonfly with a length of 60-65 mm and a wingspan of 38-42 mm.
    It has a dark bronze-green color with a metallic sheen and a yellow spot on the top of its head.
    It is found in the northern parts of Europe and Asia, where it prefers cold and clear lakes and ponds.
    It is one of the most cold-tolerant dragonflies, and it can fly even when the air temperature is below 10°C.

  • Zelenotelka sibirskaya (Somatochlora arctica), also known as the northern emerald, is a large dragonfly with a length of 58-64 mm and a wingspan of 36-40 mm.
    It has a bright green color with a golden shine and a yellow spot on the top of its head.
    It is widespread in the boreal and arctic regions of Eurasia and North America, where it inhabits various types of water bodies.
    It is one of the most common and abundant species of zelenotelka, and it can fly for long distances and at high altitudes.


Where does the Zelenotelka live?

The Zelenotelka, also known as the Green Hairstreak (Callophrys rubi), is a small butterfly found across Europe and Asia.

It thrives in a variety of habitats, including chalk downlands, heathlands, moorlands, and woodland clearings.

This butterfly prefers areas with abundant shrubbery, where it can find its larval food plants, such as gorse, broom, and buckthorn.

The Green Hairstreak has a remarkable ability to blend into its surroundings thanks to its green underside, which provides excellent camouflage against predators.

It is often seen basking on leaves or twigs with its wings closed, making it nearly invisible against the green foliage.

In terms of distribution, the Zelenotelka is quite widespread but is often localized within its range.

It favors sunny spots where the vegetation is sparse and low-growing.

The butterfly is also known to inhabit gardens and hedgerows in rural areas.

Conservation efforts are in place in some regions to protect the Zelenotelka's habitat from degradation due to agricultural expansion and urban development.

Maintaining the diversity of flora is crucial for the survival of this species, as it relies on specific plants for nectar and as host plants for its larvae.

The Green Hairstreak is a single-brooded species, with adults typically flying from April to June, depending on the local climate.

During this period, they engage in courtship, mating, and laying eggs on the undersides of leaves.

Overall, the Zelenotelka is a fascinating example of adaptation and survival in various environments, and its presence is a good indicator of a healthy, biodiverse ecosystem.

Conservation of its habitat is essential to ensure that this delicate creature continues to grace our landscapes for years to come.


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