
2023-07-18 Snargl 0 minute 0 second

What kind of animal is Locust?

A locust is a type of grasshopper that belongs to the family Acrididae.

Locusts are usually solitary insects, but they can change their behavior and form large swarms under certain conditions, such as drought and rapid vegetation growth.

Locusts have two pairs of wings, short antennae, and powerful hind legs for jumping and flying.

Locusts can cause severe damage to crops and vegetation by eating them voraciously.

Locusts have been a pest for humans since ancient times, and they are mentioned in many religious and historical texts.

Locusts are also edible and considered a delicacy in some cultures.

Some additional information about locusts are:
  • Locusts can migrate over long distances, sometimes crossing continents or oceans.

  • Locusts have different phases: solitary and gregarious.

  • Locusts are affected by serotonin, a chemical in their brains that triggers the change from solitary to gregarious phase.

  • Locusts are part of a large group of insects called orthopterans, which also includes crickets and katydids.


What is the animal Locust known for?

The animal locust is known for its swarming behavior, which occurs when environmental conditions are right.

Locusts are a type of grasshopper with short horns, belonging to the family Acrididae.

Locust swarms can travel long distances and devour any green vegetation in their path, causing severe damage to crops and farmland.

Locust plagues have affected human history since ancient times, and are still a threat to food security in some regions of the world.

Locusts are also considered a delicacy in some cultures, and are eaten as a source of protein.


Where does the Locust live?

Locusts are a type of grasshopper that can form large swarms and migrate over long distances.

They can live in various habitats, depending on the species and environmental conditions.

Some of the most common locust habitats are:
  • Deserts: Some locusts, such as the desert locust and the American desert locust, are adapted to arid regions with sparse vegetation.
    They can survive periods of drought and exploit the rapid growth of plants after rainfall.
    Desert locusts are found in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, while American desert locusts are found in North America.

  • Grasslands: Some locusts, such as the Australian plague locust and the Bombay locust, prefer areas with abundant grasses and herbs.
    They can feed on a variety of plants and breed in moist soil.
    Australian plague locusts are found in Australia, mainly in New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, and Western Australia.
    Bombay locusts are widely distributed in Southwest Asia.

  • Forests: Some locusts, such as the migratory locust and the tree locust, inhabit forested areas with trees and shrubs.
    They can climb and fly among the branches and leaves, and feed on fruits and flowers.
    Migratory locusts are found in Africa, Europe, and Asia, while tree locusts are found in Africa and Madagascar.
    Locusts can change their habitat depending on the availability of food and suitable breeding sites.

They can also respond to environmental cues, such as temperature, humidity, and day length, that trigger their swarming behaviour.

When locusts swarm, they can travel hundreds of miles in a day, crossing different habitats and regions.

What does the Locust look like?

The locust is a grasshopper with a twist
It can change its colour, shape and mood
When it feels crowded, it becomes gregarious
And joins a swarm of hungry, flying brood

The locust can migrate for miles and miles
Devouring every plant that comes its way
It has no mercy for the farmer's toils
It leaves behind a barren, brown display

The locust has a Latin name that means
A grasshopper that likes to eat a lot
But some may think it's more like a machine
That turns the green and lush into a blot

The locust is an insect with a flair
For causing havoc on a massive scale
But don't forget that it's also fair
To eat it as a snack or in a pail


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