
2023-07-18 Snargl 0 minute 0 second

What is the animal Vendace known for?

The vendace is a small, slim and streamlined fish that belongs to the salmon family.

It is one of the rarest freshwater fish in the UK, where it is only found in two lakes in Cumbria.

The vendace feeds on zooplankton.

The vendace is threatened by habitat loss, pollution, climate change and invasive species.

It is listed as Data Deficient by the IUCN and protected by various laws and conservation measures.


Where does the Vendace live?

The vendace is a kind of freshwater whitefish that belongs to the salmon family.
It is native to northern Europe, especially Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden, Russia and Estonia.
It can also be found in some lakes of Norway, the United Kingdom, northern Germany and Poland.
However, the vendace is very rare and endangered in some of its habitats.
In the United Kingdom, it only lives in two lakes in the English Lake District: Bassenthwaite Lake and Derwent Water, and Loch Skeen in Scotland.
The vendace prefers deep and cold lakes with clear water and abundant plankton.


What does the Vendace look like?

The vendace is a kind of freshwater whitefish that belongs to the salmon family.
It has a slim, streamlined body with a small fin on its back, and a longer lower jaw than upper jaw.
It is usually about 20 cm long and has a bluish green or brown back, silvery sides and a white belly.
The vendace lives in lakes in northern Europe, especially Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden, Russia and Estonia, and in some lakes of Norway, the United Kingdom, northern Germany, and Poland.
It also lives in diluted brackish water in the Gulfs of Finland and Bothnia, both of which are in the Baltic Sea.
The vendace feeds on zooplankton, small crustaceans and their larvae.
It spawns on pebbly or sandy ground in shallow or deep water.
The vendace is an important target of freshwater fisheries in some parts of Europe.


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