
2023-07-18 Snargl 0 minute 0 second

What kind of animal is Trigla?

Trigla is a genus of marine fish that belongs to the family Triglidae, also known as gurnards or sea robins.

Trigla is the only genus in the subfamily Triglinae, and it contains only one species, Trigla lyra, commonly known as the piper gurnard or the lyre gurnard.

The piper gurnard is a unique and fascinating fish that belongs to the genus Trigla, the only member of the subfamily Triglinae.

It is a colorful and adaptable fish that can communicate with sounds and camouflage with colors.

It is a rare and tasty fish that can be enjoyed by seafood lovers.


What is the animal Trigla known for?

Trigla is a genus of marine fish that belongs to the family Triglidae, commonly known as gurnards or sea robins.
Trigla is known for having large, wing-like pectoral fins that can be spread out to glide over the water surface or to probe the seabed for prey.
Trigla also has three separate spines on the lower part of the pectoral fins that can be used as legs to walk on the bottom or to stir up the sand and mud.
Trigla can produce grunting or croaking sounds by vibrating their swim bladders, which are connected to their inner ears.
Trigla is also known for having a distinctive head shape, with a bony armor, spines, ridges, and a pointed snout.
Trigla has a variety of colors and patterns, depending on the species and the habitat.
Some species of Trigla are commercially important as food fish, while others are popular among recreational anglers.
Trigla is distributed in the eastern Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Black Sea, and can be found in depths ranging from 5 to 300 meters.
Trigla feeds mainly on small fish, crustaceans, and mollusks, and spawns in spring or summer.
Trigla is the only genus in the subfamily Triglinae, and contains about 20 species.


What does the Trigla look like?

Trigla is a genus of marine fish that belong to the family Triglidae, also known as gurnards or sea robins.

They have a large, triangular head covered with bony plates and spines, and a slender body with small scales.

Trigla have two dorsal fins, the first one with spiny rays and the second one with soft rays.

They also have long pectoral fins that are divided into two parts: the upper part is colorful and used for swimming, while the lower part has three isolated rays that are used for walking on the sea floor and sensing prey.

The color of Trigla varies depending on the species, but they are usually red, pink, brown, or yellow on the upper side and white on the lower side.

Some species have dark spots or stripes on their body and fins.

Trigla can grow up to 75 cm in length and weigh up to 6 kg.


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