
2023-07-18 Snargl 0 minute 0 second

Where does the Sawtail live?

One species of Sawtail is the sixplate sawtail (Prionurus microlepidotus), which is endemic to the southwestern Pacific Ocean and has been recorded only from Australian waters.

This species is found along rock shores and on coral reefs, where it grazes on benthic algae.

Another species of Sawtail is the scalpel sawtail (Prionurus scalprum), which is found in the northwestern Pacific Ocean, from Japan to Taiwan.

This species is also found on coral reefs and feeds on algae.

A third species of Sawtail is the ribbon sawtail fish (Echiostoma barbatum), which is also known as the dragonfish.

This species is found in the deep waters through tropical to temperate waters in all oceans.


What does the Sawtail look like?

One species of Sawtail is Prionurus microlepidotus, also known as the sixplate sawtail, Australian sawtail or sawtail surgeonfish.

This fish is endemic to the southwest Pacific Ocean and has been recorded only from Australian waters.

It has a grey body with a yellow caudal fin and six keeled bony plates on each side of the rear of the body.

It can grow up to 70 cm (28 in) in length, but usually reaches around 25 cm (9.8 in).

It feeds on benthic algae and forms schools along rock shores and coral reefs.

Another species of Sawtail is Prionurus laticlavius, also known as the razor surgeonfish or razor sawtail.

This fish is found in the eastern central Pacific Ocean along the western coasts of Central and South America, as well as around some offshore islands.

It has a grey body with a yellow caudal fin and three bony plates on each side of the caudal peduncle.

It has a dark vertical bar through the eye and another at the back of the head.

The juveniles are mostly yellow with a wide black stripe along the body.

It can grow up to 60 cm (24 in) in length, but typically measures around 25 cm (9.8 in).

It grazes on algae and lives in small groups on shallow reefs.


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