
2023-07-18 Snargl 0 minute 0 second

What kind of animal is Mobula?

Mobula is a genus of rays in the family Mobulidae that is found worldwide in tropical and warm, temperate seas.

They are also known as devil rays or flying rays, because they often leap out of the water and glide in the air.

They are filter-feeding elasmobranchs, which means they have skeletons made of cartilage and they feed on zooplankton, small fish, and crustaceans.

They have large, flat bodies, long pectoral fins, and horn-like cephalic fins on their heads.

Depending on the species, they can grow up to 5.2 meters (17.1 feet) in width, second only to the manta rays in size.

They are closely related to the manta rays, and some authorities consider them to be in the same genus, Mobula.

They are poorly studied and threatened by overfishing, bycatch, and habitat degradation.


What is the animal Mobula known for?

Mobula is a genus of rays in the family Mobulidae that is found worldwide in tropical and warm, temperate seas.
They have a distinctive shape with a flattened body, large pectoral fins, and a long whip-like tail.

Mobulas are filter-feeding elasmobranchs, meaning they have cartilaginous skeletons and gill slits instead of lungs.
They feed on zooplankton, microscopic animals floating in the water column, and small fish.
In the Gulf of California and the Mexican Pacific, mobulas and mantas feed predominantly upon Mysidacea spp., Euphausiid, and Copepods.

Mobulas are highly social and often form large aggregations of hundreds or thousands of individuals.
They communicate with each other using sounds and body language.

Mobulas are vulnerable to overfishing, bycatch, habitat degradation, and climate change.
They are targeted for their gill plates, which are used in traditional Chinese medicine, and their meat, which is consumed in some regions.
They are also caught accidentally by fishing nets and hooks.

Mobulas are important for the health and diversity of marine ecosystems.
They help regulate the abundance and distribution of plankton, which are the base of the food web.
They also attract other marine animals such as sharks, dolphins, and seabirds, creating hotspots of biodiversity.


Where does the Mobula live?

Mobula is a genus of rays in the family Mobulidae that is found worldwide in tropical and warm, temperate seas.

Some species are more coastal, while others are more pelagic.

Some species migrate seasonally, while others are more resident.


What does the Mobula look like?

The Mobula is a ray
That likes to fly and play
It has a flat and wide body
And two fins that look like wings

It can jump out of the water
And do flips in the air
But don't be scared of this creature
It's gentle and won't bite

It feeds on tiny plankton
And sometimes on small fish
It has two ear-like lobes
That help it catch its dish

It lives in warm and tropical seas
And sometimes in the cold
It's related to the manta ray
But it has a shorter nose

The Mobula is a wonder
A marvel of the deep
But sadly it's endangered
By fishing and by trade

So let's protect the Mobula
And admire its grace and skill
And maybe one day we'll see it
Do a somersault and thrill


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