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Butterfly fish

Butterfly fish

2023-07-18 Snargl 5 minutes 0 second

What kind of animal is Butterfly fish?

Blue and yellow fish in a large aquarium tank with corals
Fish that is swimming in some water near some corals and corals on the ocean floor with a blue sky background
Fish that is swimming in the water near some corals and algaes
Blue and yellow fish swimming in an aquarium with corals and algaes on the bottom of the water
Group of fish swimming in a blue ocean next to each other on a blue background
Group of fish swimming in a blue ocean with sunbeams and corals on the bottom of the water
Fish swimming in an aquarium with many fish around it and a lot of bubbles in the water behind it
Fish swimming in the ocean near a coral reef with seaweed and seaweed on the bottom of the water
Fish that is swimming in some water near some plants and plants in the water and a light shining on the fish
Purple fish with yellow stripes swimming in the water with bubbles of water around it's sides and a black background

Butterfly fish are a group of tropical marine fish that belong to the family Chaetodontidae.

They are related to angelfish, but they have no spines on their gill covers.

They are mostly found on coral reefs, where they feed on coral polyps, worms, and other small animals.

They have thin, disk-shaped bodies and bright colors and patterns that help them communicate and avoid predators.

Some species are monogamous and mate for life.

Butterfly fish are popular aquarium fish, but they can be difficult to keep because of their specific dietary and environmental needs.

Example of the color palette for the image of Butterfly fish

Picture with primary colors of Liver, Pastel blue, Slate gray, Saddle brown and Seal brown
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 4010-R90B
RAL Classic
RAL 7024
RAL 7035
RAL 5014
RAL 8004
RAL 8022
RAL Design
RAL 360 30 05
RAL 190 80 10
RAL 270 50 10
RAL 050 40 50
RAL Effect
RAL 850-6
RAL 180-1
RAL 350-4

What is the animal Butterfly fish known for?

Yellow and white fish swimming in a coral reef with corals in the background
Fish that is swimming in some water near some corals and seaweeds, with a black background
Two blue and yellow fish swimming in an aquarium with corals and seaweeds in the background
Yellow fish with black stripes swimming in an aquarium with rocks and water around it and a blue sky
Yellow and white fish with a black stripe on its face

Butterfly fish are known for their bright colors and striking patterns, which make them stand out among the coral reefs.
They are also known for their long noses, which help them reach into small crevices to feed on plankton, coral, and sea anemones.

Butterfly fish, butterfly fish
You are a sight to behold
With your vivid hues and dazzling spots
You shine like a ray of gold

Butterfly fish, butterfly fish
You are a master of disguise
With your eye-like dots and dark bands
You confuse your enemies' eyes

Butterfly fish, butterfly fish
You are a loyal mate
You swim with your partner for life
And share a coral estate

Butterfly fish, butterfly fish
You are a wonder of the sea
With your graceful shape and slender snout
You are a beauty to see

Example of the color palette for the image of Butterfly fish

Picture with primary colors of Teal blue, Rose ebony, Eton blue, Brass and Dark turquoise
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 2020-B90G
NCS S 2050-G90Y
NCS S 1060-B
RAL Classic
RAL 5007
RAL 8007
RAL 7040
RAL 1024
RAL 5012
RAL Design
RAL 030 30 20
RAL 140 80 30
RAL 075 60 50
RAL 210 60 40

Where does the Butterfly fish live?

Fish swimming in the ocean with sun shining through the water's bubbles and sand under the water
Fish that is swimming in the water near some corals and corals on the ocean floor with sunlight shining on the water
Fish that is swimming in some water near some corals and seaweeds, with a blue sky in the background
Fish swimming in the ocean with corals and seaweeds around it illustration

Butterfly fish are a group of tropical marine fish that live in a coral reefs.
They are mostly found in the warm temperate and tropical waters of the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans.
Some species can also live in brackish water bays or near mud flats.
Butterfly fish are usually found in shallow waters, where they can swim among the coral and other invertebrates.
However, some deep-water species do exist that can descend to 590 feet.

Example of the color palette for the image of Butterfly fish

Picture with primary colors of Pastel brown, Oxford Blue, Bright turquoise, Pale blue and Teal blue
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 5010-G90Y
NCS S 1060-B
RAL Classic
RAL 8000
RAL 5026
RAL 5012
RAL 9010
RAL 5007
RAL Design
RAL 040 40 20
RAL 200 20 23
RAL 210 60 40
RAL 210 90 10

What does the Butterfly fish look like?

Group of fish swimming in the ocean under the sunbeams of the ocean floor with a coral and seaweed
Fish that is swimming in some water near some corals and sponges of corals on the bottom of the water
Fish that is swimming in some water near some rocks and sand and water plants and rocks and water
Fish swimming in a large aquarium with corals and other fish around it
Fish that is swimming in the water near some rocks and water plants and rocks and water plants and water
Fish swimming in the ocean with corals and seaweeds around it and a sunbeam in the background
Fish that is swimming in the water near some corals and rocks and water plants and rocks and water
Butterfly fish are a group of tropical marine fish with colorful and patterned bodies.

They have thin, flattened, disk-shaped bodies, with an uninterrupted dorsal fin.

Most species have elongated noses which allow them to reach small crevices to feed.

They closely resemble the angelfish, but they are smaller and lack the preopercle spines at the gill covers.

Many butterfly fish have dark bands across their eyes, and round dots on their flanks which can be confused with eyes to predators.

This confuses the predators as to which way the fish is likely to flee.

Their vivid patterns in whites, blues, reds, oranges, yellows, and blacks vary depending on the species and the habitat.

Some species are duller in color, yet still with intricate patterns.

Butterfly fish are mostly found on the coral reefs of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans, in tropical and subtropical waters.

They feed on plankton, coral and sea anemones.

The smaller species tend to stay in groups, whereas the larger species are usually solitary or swim with their mating partner, with whom they mate for life.

Butterfly fish are diurnal animals, which means they are active and feed during the day and rest on the coral during the night.

Some of the best known species of butterfly fish are:
  • The Auriga Butterflyfish, which has a black and white striped body with yellow fins and a black spot on the rear of the dorsal fin.

  • The Raccoon Butterflyfish, which has a yellow body with black bands around the eyes and a black patch on the tail.

  • The Copperband Butterflyfish, which has a white body with copper-colored vertical stripes and a long snout.

  • The Saddle Butterflyfish, which has a yellow body with a black saddle-shaped patch on the back and a black spot on the eye.

Example of the color palette for the image of Butterfly fish

Picture with primary colors of Spiro Disco Ball, Zinnwaldite, Dark tangerine, Dark cerulean and Non-photo blue
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 4050-R90B
RAL Classic
RAL 5012
RAL 8022
RAL 1033
RAL 5010
RAL 9002
RAL Design
RAL 210 60 40
RAL 240 80 20

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