
2023-07-18 Snargl 0 minute 0 second

What kind of animal is Brochis?

Brochis is a genus of freshwater fish that belongs to the family Callichthyidae, which includes the popular corydoras catfish.
Brochis are larger and more robust than corydoras, and have more rays in their dorsal fins.
They are also known for their ability to breathe air from the surface using their gastrointestinal tract.
There are only three recognized species of Brochis: B. splendens, B. britskii and B. multiradiatus.
Brochis splendens is the most common one in the aquarium trade, and it is also called the emerald catfish or the emerald cory because of its iridescent green color.
Brochis are native to the Amazon River basin and prefer soft, acidic water with plenty of plants and hiding places.
They are peaceful, social and active fish that should be kept in groups of at least six.
They feed on small invertebrates, worms and prepared foods.
Brochis can breed in captivity, and they lay their eggs near the waterline.
The young go through several color changes before reaching adulthood.


Where does the Brochis live?

Brochis is a former genus of catfish that was merged with Corydoras, a genus of freshwater catfish in the family Callichthyidae.
The species that were formerly classified as Brochis live in South America, where they can be found from the east of the Andes to the Atlantic coast, from Trinidad to the Río de la Plata drainage in northern Argentina.
They inhabit smaller tributaries and still bodies of water such as backwaters, oxbows and marginal lakes.


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