
2023-07-18 Snargl 2 minutes 42 seconds

What is the animal Deinonychus known for?

Close up of a fake Deinonychus in a field with trees in the background
Close up of a Deinonychus head with a long neck
Deinonychus with a lightning in the background

Example of the color palette for the image of Deinonychus

Picture with primary colors of Cadet blue, Feldgrau, Black, Mikado yellow and Orchid
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 6010-G10Y
RAL Classic
RAL 5024
RAL 7043
RAL 9005
RAL 1003
RAL 4003
RAL Design
RAL 000 35 00
RAL 170 20 25
RAL 080 80 90
RAL 330 60 40

Where does the Deinonychus live?

Deinonychus in a desert scene with palm trees and a blue sky in the background
Deinonychus with a lightning in the background
Man standing next to a Deinonychus in a city street at night with a person walking by it in the background
Deinonychus with its mouth open and a mountain in the background
Deinonychus statue with a large beak and a large head with a long neck and a large beak with a long neck and a large head with a large beak with a long neck and a
Deinonychus with a yellow shirt and black pants is in the desert with trees and bushes in the background
Close up of a toy Deinonychus in a field with mountains in the background
Deinonychus is walking on a dirt path in a field with mountains in the background
Close up of a Deinonychus with a large beak and large wings with a tree in the background
Deinonychus is walking in the middle of a forest with trees and rocks in the background

Deinonychus was a carnivorous dinosaur that lived in western North America during the Early Cretaceous Period, about 115–108 million years ago.

It was a member of the dromaeosaur group, which are also known as raptors.

Deinonychus had large, sickle-shaped claws on its hind feet, which it used to hunt and kill prey.

Deinonychus inhabited a floodplain or swamplike habitat, where it encountered various plant-eating dinosaurs, such as Tenontosaurus, which was often its prey.

Deinonychus was an agile and intelligent predator, with a long, stiff tail that helped it balance and maneuver.

It was about 2.5 metres (8 feet) long and weighed 45–68 kg (100–150 pounds).

Example of the color palette for the image of Deinonychus

Picture with primary colors of Dim gray, Bistre, Saddle brown, Meat brown and Black
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
RAL Classic
RAL 7005
RAL 3007
RAL 8004
RAL 1012
RAL 9005
RAL Design
RAL 320 40 05
RAL 080 20 10
RAL 050 40 50
RAL 085 80 70
RAL 170 20 25

What does the Deinonychus look like?

Deinonychus with a long neck and sharp teeth in a forest setting with trees and bushes in the background
Deinonychus with a lightning in the background
Deinonychus with a long neck and sharp teeth in a jungle setting with trees and grass and sunlight shining through the trees
Close up of a fake Deinonychus head with trees in the background
Blue Deinonychus with a long neck and sharp teeth standing in a forest area with trees and rocks

Deinonychus was a type of dinosaur that belonged to the group of dromaeosaurs.

Deinonychus was a bipedal, carnivorous predator that had a long, stiff tail, a slender body, and a large head with sharp teeth.

It had long arms and hands with three fingers, each ending in a claw.

The most distinctive feature of Deinonychus was the huge, sickle-shaped claw on the second toe of each hind foot, which it used to slash and stab its prey.

This claw could measure up to 12 centimeters (4.7 in) in length.

Deinonychus could grow up to 3.4 meters (11 ft) long and weighed between 60 and 73 kilograms (132 and 161 lb).

It had a sleek, horizontal posture and a ratite-like spine.

It was probably covered with feathers.

Deinonychus was a fast and agile hunter that had a large brain and complex movements.

Example of the color palette for the image of Deinonychus

Picture with primary colors of Dark tea green, Dark gray, Dark brown, Onyx and University of California Gold
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 5010-B50G
RAL Classic
RAL 7011
RAL 9006
RAL 8011
RAL 9005
RAL 1027
RAL Design
RAL 180 40 05
RAL 140 70 05
RAL 060 30 27
RAL 170 20 20
RAL 075 60 60
RAL Effect
RAL 830-2
RAL 310-5

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