
HEX Triplet:
255, 255, 255
0, 0, 0, 0
0°, 0%, 100%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
in RAL Classic:
RAL 9016
in RAL Design:
RAL 360 92 05
in RAL Effect:
RAL 120-2
in NCS:
NCS S 0300-N
What color is White? What are the examples of White color in life? What looks best in White?
2023-05-17 Snargl 4 minutes 44 seconds
# General # Fashion # Design

What color is White?

White robot with a smile on its face and arms and legs
Liquid swirl with yellow and white colors on it's side and a drop of water on the bottom
Woman with blue eyes and white skin is wearing a white headdress and a white scarf over her head
Man in a futuristic suit holding a sword in a dark room with lights on the ceiling and a large window
Cat with green eyes and a white nose looking at the camera with a black background
Room with a desk and a computer on it with a lot of windows and a door in the background
White wolf with a spiked head and spikes on its head is shown in the snow with a city in the background
Futuristic looking object with many lights on it's sides and a bright background with stars in the sky
Futuristic city with a futuristic car in the foreground
Sunset over the ocean with waves crashing on the beach and a person walking on the beach in the distance
Woman with a veil and a tiara on her head
White is a color that has no hue, meaning that it does not correspond to any specific wavelength of visible light.

It is the lightest color and the opposite of black, which is the darkest color.

Its HEX code is #FFFFFF, and its RGB values are 255, 255, 255.

This color is often associated with purity, cleanliness, simplicity, and perfection.

White is created by combining all the colors of the visible spectrum, or by mixing the primary colors of light: red, green, and blue.

It can also be made with pigments, such as titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, or lead white.

However, these pigments are not pure white, but have slight tints of yellow, blue, or gray.

White has different meanings and symbolism in different cultures and contexts.

For example, in Western cultures, white is commonly worn by brides on their wedding day, as a sign of innocence and purity.

In many Asian cultures, white is the color of mourning and death, as it represents the absence of life and color.

In some religions, white is a sacred color that symbolizes divinity, holiness, or peace.

For instance, in Christianity, white is the color of angels, the Holy Spirit, and the resurrection of Jesus.

In Islam, white is the color of the Kaaba, the sacred shrine in Mecca, and the clothing of pilgrims.

In Buddhism, white is the color of the lotus flower, which represents enlightenment and purity of mind.

White is also used in art, design, and science for various purposes and effects.

For example, white can create contrast, highlight, or emphasize other colors or elements.

White is also the color of some animals, such as polar bears, swans, or albino creatures.

Example of the palette with the White color

Picture with primary colors of Heart Gold, White, Dark lavender, Old Gold and Zinnwaldite
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 3050-G90Y
NCS S 0502-R50B
NCS S 4030-R50B
NCS S 2040-Y
NCS S 8010-Y30R
RAL Classic
RAL 1027
RAL 9016
RAL 4005
RAL 1012
RAL 8022
RAL Design
RAL 095 50 50
RAL 360 92 05
RAL 300 40 35
RAL 080 70 60
RAL 000 15 00

Example of the palette with the White color

Picture with primary colors of Bone, White, Pale mauve, UCLA Blue and Rose taupe
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
RAL Classic
RAL 9002
RAL 9016
RAL 7032
RAL 5023
RAL 1036
RAL Design
RAL 010 80 10
RAL 360 92 05
RAL 040 70 10
RAL 270 40 30
RAL 010 40 25
RAL Effect
RAL 140-6
RAL 120-2
RAL 340-1
RAL 630-2
RAL 340-3

Example of the palette with the White color

Picture with primary colors of Battleship Grey, White, Lemon Cream, Black and Purple taupe
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
RAL Classic
RAL 7037
RAL 9016
RAL 1014
RAL 9005
RAL 7024
RAL Design
RAL 000 55 00
RAL 360 92 05
RAL 095 90 40
RAL 170 20 25
RAL 340 30 05
RAL Effect
RAL 830-M
RAL 120-2
RAL 280-2
RAL 790-5
RAL 330-6

Example of the palette with the White color

Picture with primary colors of Mint, Liver, White, Onyx and Sky blue
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
RAL Classic
RAL 6033
RAL 7024
RAL 9016
RAL 9005
RAL 6027
RAL Design
RAL 160 60 35
RAL 360 30 05
RAL 360 92 05
RAL 170 20 20
RAL 220 80 25

What are the examples of White color in life?

Black woman with glasses and a green sweater smiling at the camera with a smile on her face
Woman in a costume with a helmet and gold armor on her face and chest
Man in a pink suit and tie with a blue tie and a pink suit jacket and a white shirt
Woman in a short skirt and jacket posing for a picture with her hands on her hips
Woman on a ledge in a pink dress in a city with cars and buildings in the background
Man with blonde hair and a pink jacket on a white background
Plate of food with some kind of waffle on it with sauce and broccoli on the side
Beautiful blonde woman in a blue and white lingerie with a blue scarf around her neck and a blue
City with tall buildings and a street at night with lights on it and a car driving down the street
Woman in a white and black outfit with a sword on her shoulder and a black
Pizza with a variety of toppings on a tray with chopsticks and a bowl of soup
Man with curly hair and a smile on his face is smiling at the camera while wearing a white shirt
White color is a symbol of purity, innocence and peace.

It can be found in many aspects of life, such as:
  • The snow that covers the mountains and the ground in winter.
  • Clouds floating across the sky bringing rain or snow.
  • Milk that nourishes babies and animals.
  • The pearls that adorn the necklaces and the earrings.
  • Cotton, from which clothing and fabrics are sewn.
  • The paper that carries the words and the drawings.
  • Stars shining in the night and pointing the way for travelers.
These are some examples of white color in life.

Example of the palette with the White color

Picture with primary colors of Gray-asparagus, Black, Gray-Tea Green, White and Pastel gray
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 6010-B70G
NCS S 8505-R20B
NCS S 3502-G
NCS S 0502-R50B
NCS S 2500-N
RAL Classic
RAL 6003
RAL 9005
RAL 9007
RAL 9016
RAL 9018
RAL Design
RAL 120 30 10
RAL 170 20 25
RAL 100 60 05
RAL 360 92 05
RAL 080 80 05

What looks best in White?

Snowy landscape with a village and trees in the foreground. Example of RGB 255,255,255 color.
Woman with blonde hair and a white top on a city street at sunset with a city skyline in the background. Color RGB 255,255,255.
White cat laying in a river with a reflection of it's face in the water and trees in the background. Example of White color.
White color. Bathroom with a bathtub and a potted plant in it and a window with a view of the outside
Man with a dog in his arms and a shamrock on his forehead and a purple shirt on his chest. Example of #FFFFFF color.
White color example: Woman with white hair and a white sweater smiling at the camera

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