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What color is Purple? What are the examples of Purple color in life? What looks best in Purple? What strange or uncommon things can be of the Purple color?
2023-05-17 Snargl 6 minutes 38 seconds
# General # Fashion # Design

What color is Purple?

Futuristic building with a lot of windows and lights on it's roof and a sky background with clouds
Close up of a purple and blue object with a ring on it's side and a fish like object on its back
Colorful picture of a clock with a purple circle around it's center
Woman with purple hair and a purple dress with a blue light on her face and purple hair and eyes
Futuristic robot standing in front of a purple and blue sky with a building in the background and a pink
Colorful diamond shaped object on top of a table next to a mirror and a pair of scissors
Woman with a gun in her hand and a purple outfit on her chest and a purple background
Robot dog with a pink eye and a purple light on its face
Woman with headphones  is a neon light behind her head
Woman with purple hair and a ponytail in a sci - fi avatar with a pink sky background and clouds

Purple is a color that is created by mixing red and blue light.

It is a secondary color, meaning that it is not one of the three primary colors (red, blue, and yellow) that can be combined to make any other color.

Purple has a HEX code of #800080, which means that it has 128 units of red, 0 units of green, and 128 units of blue in the RGB color model.

It is often associated with royalty, nobility, luxury, power, and ambition.

This is due to the fact that purple dye in ancient times was very rare and expensive, and only the elite could afford to wear it.

Purple also represents creativity, wisdom, dignity, devotion, peace, pride, mystery, and magic.

It is a color that can have different shades and tones depending on the proportions of red and blue.

Some common variations of purple are violet, lavender, lilac, plum, amethyst, and mauve.

Purple is the color of the night sky
When the stars are shining bright
Purple is the color of the flowers
That bloom in the springtime light

Purple is the color of the velvet
That drapes the royal throne
Purple is the color of the magic
That sparks the imagination

Purple is the color of the mystery
That lies beyond the known
Purple is the color of the beauty
That fills the world with wonder

Example of the palette with the Purple color

Picture with primary colors of Magnolia, Purple, Purple pizzazz, Seal brown and Saffron
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 0507-R60B
NCS S 3055-R40B
NCS S 1060-R20B
NCS S 8010-Y10R
NCS S 0560-Y10R
RAL Classic
RAL 9016
RAL 4006
RAL 4003
RAL 8022
RAL 1018
RAL Design
RAL 360 92 05
RAL 330 30 40
RAL 340 70 35
RAL 000 15 00
RAL 080 80 70

Example of the palette with the Purple color

Picture with primary colors of Pale chestnut, Purple, Saint Patrick Blue, Coral and Slate blue
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 1515-R10B
NCS S 3055-R40B
NCS S 4550-R70B
NCS S 0560-Y60R
NCS S 3040-R70B
RAL Classic
RAL 3015
RAL 4006
RAL 5002
RAL 2003
RAL 4005
RAL Design
RAL 010 70 20
RAL 330 30 40
RAL 270 20 29
RAL 050 70 60
RAL 280 50 40

What are the examples of Purple color in life?

Painting of a blue flower on a rocky shore with a city in the background
Purple diamond on top of a rock on a table top with a black background
Woman in a purple bikini and a crown posing for a picture with her hands on her hips and her right arm up
Kitchen with a counter top and a stove top oven under a window next to a sink
Purple ice cream cone with a blurry background
Painting of a dog with pink hair and a collar on it's chest
Woman with purple hair standing in front of a mountain range with a purple sky in the background
Piece of cake on a plate with a spoon and a cup of coffee in the background on a table
Purple sports car parked in a parking lot at night with lights on the side of it and a dark sky
Purple is a color that occurs when red and blue light are mixed together.

It is a rare and intriguing color in nature, often associated with royalty, spirituality, creativity, and luxury.

Some examples of purple color in life are:
  • Amethyst: It is a type of purple quartz and semiprecious stone that is often used for jewelry and decoration.

  • Red onion: This is a variety of onion with purple-red skin and mild sweet flavor.
    It is commonly used for salads, sandwiches, and cooking.

  • Eggplant: This is also known as aubergine or brinjal.
    It is a purple vegetable that belongs to the nightshade family.
    Eggplant has a spongy texture and a bitter taste that becomes sweeter when cooked.
    This vegetable widely used in cuisines around the world.

  • Lilac: This is a flowering plant that belongs to the mustard family.
    It has fragrant purple flowers that bloom in spring.
    Lilac often planted as an ornamental shrub or tree.

  • Violet: The plant is also known as viola.
    It is a small flowering plant that has purple petals and yellow centers.
    This plant grows in meadows, woodlands, and gardens.
    Violet sometimes used for herbal medicine or as an edible garnish.

  • Lavender: A flowering plant belonging to the mint family.
    It has purple spikes of flowers that have a soothing aroma.
    Lavender is widely cultivated for its essential oil, which has many uses in aromatherapy, cosmetics, and medicine.

  • Purple dye murex: A sea snail that releases a purple substance if disturbed.
    This substance was used as a fabric dye in ancient times, especially by royalty and nobility.
    The color was so expensive and prestigious that it became known as Tyrian purple or royal purple.

  • Purple emperor: A butterfly with iridescent purple wings.
    Only the males have this coloration, while the females are dark brown.
    The purple emperor is one of the largest and most elusive butterflies in Europe.

  • Violet coral: This is a fungus that grows in clusters of purple branches.
    It resembles coral, but it lives on land among moss and hardwood trees.
    Violet coral is rare and vulnerable in some regions due to habitat loss.

  • Purple frog: It is an amphibian that has a purple-gray skin and a bloated body.
    It lives underground most of the year, only emerging during the monsoon season to mate.
    This frog is endemic to India and was discovered in 2003.

These are just some of the things that are naturally purple in life.
There are many more examples of this fascinating color in plants, animals, minerals, and even phenomena like auroras and rainbows.

Example of the palette with the Purple color

Picture with primary colors of Canonical aubergine, Purple, Saint Patrick Blue, Byzantine and Wild blue yonder
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 6030-R40B
NCS S 3055-R40B
NCS S 4550-R70B
NCS S 2060-R40B
NCS S 2020-R70B
RAL Classic
RAL 4007
RAL 4006
RAL 5002
RAL 4010
RAL 9006
RAL Design
RAL 060 20 05
RAL 330 30 40
RAL 270 20 29
RAL 340 50 45
RAL 270 70 15

What looks best in Purple?

Purple orchid plant in a pot with rocks and plants in it in a room with blue walls. Example of RGB 128,0,128 color.
Bunch of purple flowers on a white surface with a shadow of the flower head on the flower stem. Color Purple.
White couch in front of a purple wall with a table and lamp on it and a vase with flowers. Example of RGB 128,0,128 color.
Purple color example: Kitchen with purple cabinets and a window in the background
Woman with purple hair and a tiara on her head and a purple dress with gold trim and jewels. Color CMYK 0,100,0,50.

Example of the palette with the Purple color

Picture with primary colors of Purple, Arylide yellow, Dark brown, Onyx and Camouflage green
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 3055-R40B
NCS S 1040-G80Y
NCS S 6020-Y50R
NCS S 9000-N
NCS S 4010-G50Y
RAL Classic
RAL 4006
RAL 1002
RAL 8011
RAL 9005
RAL 7003
RAL Design
RAL 330 30 40
RAL 090 80 50
RAL 060 30 27
RAL 170 20 20
RAL 090 50 10

What strange or uncommon things can be of the Purple color?

Purple and gold object with a star on top of it's top and a purple. Example of #800080 color.
Futuristic city with a futuristic skyscraper in the middle of the city at night time with a purple glow. Color CMYK 0,100,0,50.
Purple vase with a monkey face on it's face and a yellow background. Color RGB 128,0,128.
Purple is a color that can be found in many natural and artificial things, but some of them are more strange or uncommon than others.
Here are some examples of purple things that you may not see every day:
  • Purple Jade: This is a rare variety of jadeite that has a lavender hue.
    It is a symbol of beauty and strength in some cultures.

  • Charoite: This is a purple gemstone that is only found in Russia.
    It has a swirling, fibrous appearance that makes it unique.

  • Purple Sea Star: This is a type of starfish that has a bright purple color.
    It can be found in the Pacific Ocean, where it feeds on mussels and barnacles.

  • Purple Nudibranch: This is a marine animal that belongs to the mollusk family.
    It has a soft body and no shell, and it can be purple, pink, or blue.
    Some nudibranchs can produce toxins or mimic other animals to defend themselves.

  • Purple Mountain: This is a mountain in China that has a purple hue due to the minerals in the soil.
    It is also known as Zijin Shan, which means "Purple Gold Mountain".
    It is a famous tourist attraction and a historical site.

  • Purple Artichoke: This is a type of thistle that has a purple flower and a green heart.
    It is edible and nutritious, and it can be cooked in various ways.

  • Purple Asparagus: This is a type of vegetable that has a purple skin and a white flesh.
    It is more tender and sweeter than the green variety, and it can lose its color when cooked.

These are just some of the purple things that exist in the world.
There are many more that you can discover if you look closely.
Purple is a color that can inspire curiosity and creativity, as well as elegance and spirituality.

Example of the palette with the Purple color

Picture with primary colors of Purple, Dark spring green, Pale green, Apricot and Smoky black
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 3055-R40B
NCS S 4040-G
NCS S 1050-G10Y
NCS S 1020-Y80R
NCS S 9000-N
RAL Classic
RAL 4006
RAL 6029
RAL 6019
RAL 1015
RAL 9005
RAL Design
RAL 330 30 40
RAL 160 40 35
RAL 130 80 40
RAL 040 80 20
RAL 170 20 20

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