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HEX Triplet:
239, 152, 170
0, 36, 29, 6
347.6°, 73.1%, 76.7%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
Pink Sherbet
in RAL Classic:
RAL 3015
in RAL Design:
RAL 010 70 30
in RAL Effect:
RAL 480-5
What are the examples of Mauvelous color in everyday life? What looks best in Mauvelous? What strange or uncommon things can be of the Mauvelous color? The Mauvelous Misadventures of Connor Chun and Hubert McLeod
2024-08-24 Snargl 04:04
# General # Fashion # Imagination

What are the examples of Mauvelous color in everyday life?

Room with a couch, windows and potted plants in it and a chandelier above. Color #EF98AA.
Pink pen with a black tip on a pink background. Color #EF98AA.

Example of the palette with the Mauvelous color

Picture with primary colors of Laurel green, Mauvelous, Pastel brown, Old rose and Army Green
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 2020-G30Y
NCS S 1040-R10B
NCS S 5010-G90Y
NCS S 3020-Y70R
NCS S 6030-G70Y
RAL Classic
RAL 7032
RAL 3015
RAL 8000
RAL 3012
RAL 8028
RAL Design
RAL 110 70 10
RAL 010 70 35
RAL 040 40 20
RAL 020 60 30
RAL 100 30 20

What looks best in Mauvelous?

Pink leather chair with a foot rest on a pink background. Color CMYK 0,36,29,6.
Pink table and bench in a room with a window and a city view in the background. Example of Mauvelous color.
Doll with blonde hair and a pink scarf on her head and a black background. Example of RGB 239,152,170 color.
Close up of a pink flower with many petals in it's center. Color #EF98AA.
Mauvelous color example: Branch of a tree with pink flowers on it and a green background
Mauvelous is a lovely shade of pink
That can make you smile and wink
It's a color that's soft and sweet
Like a rose or a candy treat

Mauvelous looks best when paired with
Some colors that are cool and smooth
Like a pale blue or a mint green
That create a soothing scene

Mauvelous can also contrast well
With some colors that are bold and swell
Like a dark purple or a navy blue
That make a statement true

Mauvelous is a versatile hue
That can suit any mood or view
It's a color that's fun and chic
And makes your style unique

Example of the palette with the Mauvelous color

Picture with primary colors of Mauvelous, Smoky black, Cadet blue, Copper and Liver
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...

What strange or uncommon things can be of the Mauvelous color?

Pile of pink and black rocks and gravel. Example of Mauvelous color.
Mauvelous color. Painting of a robot with a gun in his hand and a demon in the background
Branch with pink leaves in a blurry background. Color CMYK 0,36,29,6.
Mauvelous color. Pink rose with water droplets on its petals and petals are shown in a 3d image with a black background
Mauvelous color. Close up of a cell phone with a light shining on its side and a purple eye

Example of the palette with the Mauvelous color

Picture with primary colors of Onyx, Mauvelous, Dim gray, Dark lava and Rose vale
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
Funny stories about the 'Mauvelous'

The Mauvelous Misadventures of Connor Chun and Hubert McLeod

Long time ago, far away, in the bustling city of Chromatopolis, where colors ruled the fashion and design world, there lived an eccentric entrepreneur named Connor Chun. Connor was known for his wild ideas and even wilder hair, which he dyed a different color every week. One day, while experimenting with a new shade, he stumbled upon a color so unique, so vibrant, that it seemed to have a life of its own. He named it "Mauvelous."

Connor was convinced that Mauvelous was the future of design. He decided to launch a new line of products featuring this extraordinary color. But he needed a face for his campaign, someone who could embody the essence of Mauvelous. Enter Hubert McLeod, the top model with a flair for the dramatic and a penchant for the absurd.
Doll with pink hair and a brown jacket on a street corner with a clock on it's chest. Example of CMYK 0,36,29,6 color.

Hubert was known for his daring runway walks and his ability to make even the most outlandish outfits look chic. When Connor approached him with the idea of Mauvelous, Hubert was intrigued. "Darling, if it's as fabulous as you say, I'm in," he declared with a flourish.

Their first project was a line of Mauvelous furniture. Connor and Hubert decided to start with a chair. But not just any chair - a chair that could transform into different shapes and sizes, all while maintaining its Mauvelous hue. They called it the "Mauvelous Morphing Chair."

The launch event was held in a grand hall, with the who's who of Chromatopolis in attendance. As the lights dimmed, Hubert strutted onto the stage, wearing a suit that matched the chair's color perfectly. With a dramatic wave of his hand, he unveiled the Mauvelous Morphing Chair. The audience gasped as the chair transformed from a sleek office chair to a cozy recliner, then into a whimsical bean bag.

But the real showstopper came when Hubert sat on the chair and it began to float. Yes, float! Connor had secretly installed anti-gravity technology in the chair, making it the first-ever floating piece of furniture. The crowd erupted in applause, and Mauvelous became the talk of the town.

Buoyed by their success, Connor and Hubert decided to take Mauvelous to new heights - literally. They designed a Mauvelous hot air balloon, shaped like a giant teapot. The idea was to host tea parties in the sky, with guests sipping tea while floating above Chromatopolis.
Woman with angel wings and a bra top on her chest and breast is posing for a picture with her breasts exposed. Example of #EF98AA color.

The first flight was a spectacle. Hubert, dressed as the Mad Hatter, welcomed guests aboard the Mauvelous Teapot Balloon. As they ascended, the city below looked like a patchwork quilt of colors. The guests were delighted, sipping tea and nibbling on scones as they floated among the clouds.

However, things took a comical turn when a flock of birds mistook the balloon for a real teapot and tried to land on it. The balloon wobbled precariously, and Hubert had to shoo the birds away with a feather duster. The guests, far from being scared, found the whole situation hilarious and dubbed it the "Mauvelous Tea Party Incident."

Connor and Hubert's next venture was a line of Mauvelous clothing. They created outfits that could change color with the wearer's mood. Hubert modeled the first piece, a dashing suit that turned a deeper shade of Mauvelous when he was excited and a lighter shade when he was calm.

The fashion show was a hit, with models strutting down the runway in outfits that shifted colors like a living rainbow. The highlight was when Hubert, in a moment of pure joy, did a cartwheel, causing his suit to flash a brilliant, sparkling Mauvelous.
Mauvelous color. Balcony with a table and chairs overlooking a city skyline at sunset or sunrise with pink hues

As Mauvelous fever swept through Chromatopolis, Connor and Hubert became local legends. Their final project was the most ambitious yet - a Mauvelous skyscraper. The building would change color with the weather, glowing a warm Mauvelous on sunny days and a cool Mauvelous on rainy ones.

The grand unveiling was a city-wide event. As the sun set, the skyscraper lit up in a dazzling display of Mauvelous hues, reflecting the city's vibrant spirit. Connor and Hubert stood at the top, looking out over Chromatopolis, knowing they had truly made their mark.

And so, the Mauvelous Misadventures of Connor Chun and Hubert McLeod became the stuff of legend, a testament to the power of creativity, collaboration, and a little bit of color.

# General # Fashion # Imagination
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