
HEX Triplet:
83, 75, 79
0, 10, 5, 67
330°, 5.1%, 31%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
Purple taupe
in RAL Classic:
RAL 7024
in RAL Design:
RAL 020 30 05
in RAL Effect:
RAL 870-5
in NCS:
NCS S 6502-R
What color is Liver? What looks best in Liver?
2023-05-31 Snargl 1 minute 52 seconds

What color is Liver?

Raccoon dressed in a leather outfit standing in a field of grass and plants with a camera. Color Liver.
Liver color example: Giant creature is standing in the middle of the street in front of a city skyline with tall buildings
Woman with horns and a head made of metal pipes and wires. Color RGB 83,75,79.
Desk with a laptop on it in a room with large windows and a view of the city outside. Example of CMYK 0,10,5,67 color.
Woman dressed in a costume with a large headpiece and a feathered hat on her head. Color CMYK 0,10,5,67.
Close up of a black object with a ring in it's center and a black background with a white circle
Man in a space suit with headphones on and a space station in the background with a window
Two black balls are on a carpeted floor with a black background and a black and white photo
Robot standing next to a large object in a city setting with a city in the background and a man in a suit
Woman in a black dress standing in a dark room with bright windows and a staircase leading to a second floor
Woman with a mask and a black outfit on her face and chest
Living room with a couch and a plant in it's corner
Bedroom with a large bed and a mirror on the wall above it and a couch and ottomans
Man in a forest with a beard
Man in a black and blue shirt with a beard and a beard mustache and a black shirt with a gold
Group of ships floating on top of a lake under a cloudy sky
Kitchen with a window and a scale on the counter top in front of it
Waterfall with a man standing on a bridge above it and a river below it with a waterfall in the middle
Man with a beard and a suit of armor in front of a cloudy sky with clouds
The color liver is not exclusive to dogs, but can also be found in other animals, such as horses, cats, rabbits, and rodents.

The genetics and terminology of the liver color may vary depending on the species, but the general appearance is similar: a dark reddish brown color that resembles the organ.

The liver color is often considered to be a rare or unique color in animals, and may have different effects on their behavior, health, or attractiveness.

In summary, the color liver is a dark reddish brown color that is named after the organ of the same name.

It is often used to describe the coat color of certain breeds of dogs, horses, and other animals.

The liver organ is a vital part of the human body that performs many functions, such as digestion, metabolism, detoxification, and hormone production.

The liver's color is determined by the amount of blood and bile it contains, and can change depending on its health condition.

The color liver can also be influenced by genetic factors, such as the B locus in dogs, or combined with other colors or patterns, such as blue, merle, or piebald.

The color liver is not exclusive to dogs, but can also be found in other animals, such as horses, cats, rabbits, and rodents.

The genetics and terminology of the liver color may vary depending on the species, but the general appearance is similar: a dark reddish brown color that resembles the organ.

The liver color is often considered to be a rare or unique color in animals, and may have different effects on their behavior, health, or attractiveness.

Example of the palette with the Liver color

Picture with primary colors of Liver, Khaki, Grullo, Dark lava and Dim gray
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
RAL Classic
RAL 7024
RAL 1000
RAL 1035
RAL 8014
RAL 7005
RAL Design
RAL 360 30 05
RAL 060 70 20
RAL 040 60 10
RAL 050 20 10
RAL 320 40 05
RAL Effect
RAL 850-6
RAL 140-M
RAL 780-5
RAL 330-6
RAL 860-6

Example of the palette with the Liver color

Picture with primary colors of Onyx, Liver, Cadet, Medium jungle green and Camouflage green
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 9000-N
NCS S 6502-R
NCS S 5010-B10G
NCS S 7502-B
NCS S 4010-G50Y
RAL Classic
RAL 9005
RAL 7024
RAL 7031
RAL 6009
RAL 7003
RAL Design
RAL 170 20 20
RAL 360 30 05
RAL 240 40 10
RAL 180 20 15
RAL 090 50 10
RAL Effect
RAL 790-5
RAL 850-6
RAL 830-6
RAL 790-5
RAL 770-3

What looks best in Liver?

Hallway with a skylight and a door in the center of it. Color Liver.
Bowl of fruit is on a table with a black candle and a glass of water in the background. Example of Liver color.
Kitchen with a counter, oven. Example of RGB 83,75,79 color.
Woman in a leather suit is standing on a train track. Color RGB 83,75,79.
Futuristic vehicle driving down a dirt road in a futuristic city with a futuristic looking building in the background

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