Green # Design
How the Green color can be used in the interior?
Green is a versatile color that can range from soothing and relaxing to lively and energetic.
Some possible ways to use green color in the interior are:
Monochromatic green color schemes.
These are color schemes that use different shades of green, from light to dark, to create a harmonious and elegant look.
Monochromatic green color schemes can work well for modern interiors, adding depth and dimension to the rooms.Green and white color schemes.
These color schemes use green as an accent color against a white background, or vice versa.
Green and white color schemes can create a fresh and clean look, especially for kitchens, bathrooms, and bedrooms.
Mint green is a popular choice for this type of color scheme.Green and earth tones color schemes.
Here green is combined with other colors inspired by nature, such as brown, beige, tan, or gray.
Green and earth tones color schemes can create a cozy and warm look, especially for living rooms, dining rooms, and family rooms.
Olive green is a common choice for this type of color scheme.Green and dark colors color schemes.
These color schemes use green with other colors that are bold and dramatic, such as black, navy, purple, or burgundy.
Green and dark colors color schemes can create a contemporary and sophisticated look, especially for offices, libraries, or media rooms.
Example of the palette with the Green color
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...