Home Colors
Forest green

Forest green

HEX Triplet:
34, 139, 34
76, 0, 76, 45
120°, 60.7%, 33.9%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
India green
in RAL Classic:
RAL 6001
in RAL Design:
RAL 140 50 50
in RAL Effect:
RAL 230-5
in NCS:
NCS S 4040-G30Y
What color is Forest green? What looks best in Forest green?
2023-08-24 Snargl 3 minutes 7 seconds
# General # Fashion # Design

What color is Forest green?

Colorful bird perched on a branch with a brown background behind it
Red fox is walking in the grass near a tree and a tree trunk with its mouth open and eyes wide open
Green lit up building in a green landscape with trees and clouds in the background
Sliced fruit is being squeezed into a bowl with a spoon and a spoon rest on the table next to it
Wizard standing in front of a green light with his hands out and a wizard hat on his head
Bowl of food with shrimp
Cup of liquid with a spoon on a plate with a spoon on it and a spoon in the cup
Forest green is a dark green hue commonly found in nature.
The forest green hex code is #228B22.
It is often associated with the environment and causes supporting the earth and its ecosystem.

Here's a joke for you: What do you call a forest that is always losing things? A for-getful green!

Example of the palette with the Forest green color

Picture with primary colors of Smoky black, Laurel green, Forest green, MSU Green and Tea Green
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 9000-N
NCS S 2020-G30Y
NCS S 4040-G30Y
NCS S 6020-B90G
NCS S 0530-G10Y
RAL Classic
RAL 9005
RAL 7032
RAL 6001
RAL 6005
RAL 9018
RAL Design
RAL 170 20 20
RAL 110 70 10
RAL 140 50 50
RAL 180 20 15
RAL 130 90 20
RAL Effect
RAL 790-5
RAL 130-M
RAL 230-5
RAL 750-M
RAL 210-6

Example of the palette with the Forest green color

Picture with primary colors of Burnt Sienna, Forest green, Fern, Jazzberry jam and Black
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 2040-Y60R
NCS S 4040-G30Y
NCS S 2040-G20Y
NCS S 2065-R20B
NCS S 8505-R20B
RAL Classic
RAL 2012
RAL 6001
RAL 6021
RAL 4006
RAL 9005
RAL Design
RAL 040 60 60
RAL 140 50 50
RAL 140 70 40
RAL 360 40 50
RAL 170 20 25

What looks best in Forest green?

Woman in a green dress with a green necklace and green earrings on her neck and a christmas tree in the background
Man with sunglasses on standing in the street near power lines and telephone poles. Color #228B22.
Green sports car driving down a highway with flames coming out of the hoods. Example of RGB 34,139,34 color.
Green and black plate with a spiral design on it's side and a black plate with a green. Color #228B22.
Green car driving through a tunnel of light and smoke with a bright background. Color Forest green.
Green cake with white frosting and fruit on top of it on a plate with a fork and spoon. Example of #228B22 color.
Forest green is a dark shade of green that resembles the color of evergreen trees.
It is a popular choice for clothing, accessories, and home decor.
Some of the things that look best in forest green are:
  • A cozy sweater or cardigan that can keep you warm and stylish in the winter.
    Forest green can complement different skin tones and hair colors, and it can also create a contrast with lighter or brighter colors.
    You can pair a forest green sweater with jeans, leggings, skirts, or dresses for a casual or chic look.
  • A leather jacket or a trench coat that can add some edge and sophistication to your outfit.
    Forest green can work well with different fabrics and textures, such as denim, wool, silk, or cotton.
    You can wear a forest green jacket or coat with a white shirt, a black dress, or a plaid scarf for a classic or modern look.
  • A pair of boots or sneakers that can make a statement and show your personality.
    Forest green can match with different styles and occasions, such as casual, formal, sporty, or elegant.
    You can wear a pair of forest green boots or sneakers with a neutral or colorful outfit for a fun or refined look.
  • A scarf or a hat that can add some flair and warmth to your ensemble.
    Forest green can accentuate your features and draw attention to your face.
    You can wear a forest green scarf or hat with a solid or patterned outfit for a simple or sophisticated look.
  • A plant or a flower that can brighten up your space and bring some nature into your home.
    Forest green can create a soothing and relaxing atmosphere and harmonize with different colors and elements.
    You can place a forest green plant or flower in a pot, a vase, or a basket for a natural or rustic look.

Example of the palette with the Forest green color

Picture with primary colors of Smoky black, Forest green, Light taupe, Desert sand and Pale blue
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 9000-N
NCS S 4040-G30Y
NCS S 3020-Y60R
NCS S 1515-Y80R
NCS S 0530-B10G
RAL Classic
RAL 9005
RAL 6001
RAL 1011
RAL 1014
RAL 9010
RAL Design
RAL 170 20 20
RAL 140 50 50
RAL 050 60 30
RAL 050 80 20
RAL 210 90 10
RAL Effect
RAL 790-5
RAL 230-5
RAL 310-M
RAL 430-1
RAL 190-2

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