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What color is Carmine? What are the examples of Carmine color in life? The Carmine Chronicles: The Unlikely Heroes of Design
2024-08-23 Snargl 04:48
# General # Design

What color is Carmine?

City skyline with a lot of tall buildings and a body of water in front of it at night
Statue of a man wearing a hat and a red background with a red glow behind him
Painting of a lighthouse on a rocky shore with waves crashing in front of it and a sunset in the background
Sci - fi character in a dark background with red lights and a circular object in the foreground
Stone archway with a sky background and a few clouds in the sky above it
Star wars character in a helmet with a red light on his face
Woman in a red and gold costume with horns and horns on her head
Carmine is a color name that refers to a range of deep red colors with a slight purplish hue.

It is a natural pigment derived from certain insects such as cochineal and Polish cochineal.

This pigment is also known as cochineal extract, and it has been used as a colorant for textiles, paints, cosmetics, and food since ancient times.

There are many variations of carmine, depending on the processing of the pigment and the addition of other colors.

Carmine is a color that has a long history and cultural significance.

It is associated with passion, blood, courage, beauty, and royalty.

Some examples of carmine in human culture are:
  • Carmine was used by the Aztecs and the Incas to dye fabrics and paint codices.

  • It was also used as a tribute to the Spanish conquistadors.

  • In the XVIII and XIX centuries, this color was popular for dyeing the robes of Catholic cardinals and uniforms of British soldiers.

  • Carmine is the color of the ruby, which is the birthstone for July and the traditional gift for the 40th wedding anniversary.

  • It is the color of the Red Cross emblem, which is a symbol of humanitarian aid and protection.

  • Carmine is the color of the lipstick worn by Marilyn Monroe in her iconic photo shoot for Life magazine in 1952.

This color can creates a strong visual impact and evoke various emotions.

Carmine can be used for artistic, aesthetic, or symbolic purposes.

Example of the palette with the Carmine color

Picture with primary colors of Floral white, Cadet grey, Dark slate gray, Carmine and Bulgarian rose
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...

Example of the palette with the Carmine color

Picture with primary colors of Cerulean, Dark byzantium, Carmine, Oxford Blue and Khaki
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...

What are the examples of Carmine color in life?

Red crystal home decor
Red counter top sitting next to a window with a glass door in it's center area and a window behind it
Two colorful flowers with green stems in the foreground and a blue and pink flower in the background with a black background
Red neon street
Man with red hair
Carmine color is a bright-red color obtained from the aluminium complex derived from carminic acid.
It is also called cochineal, crimson lake, or carmine lake.

Some examples of carmine color in life are:
  • Some rubies are colored the color shown below as rich carmine.

  • The cochineal insect, which is the source of the pigment, has a carmine color on its body.

  • Some food products such as yogurt, candy, gelatin, meat, and beverages use carmine as a natural red dye.

    As for a joke: What do you call a cochineal insect that likes to sing? A car-mine!

Example of the palette with the Carmine color

Picture with primary colors of Vivid auburn, Terra cotta, Smoky black, Carmine and Seashell
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...

Example of the palette with the Carmine color

Picture with primary colors of Smokey topaz, Deep saffron, Carmine, Onyx and Orange Yellow
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...

Example of the palette with the Carmine color

Picture with primary colors of Dark green, Pale mauve, Carmine, Dark electric blue and Linen
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 7020-B70G
NCS S 2010-R10B
NCS S 0570-Y90R
NCS S 5020-B
NCS S 0804-Y90R
RAL Classic
RAL 6007
RAL 7032
RAL 3027
RAL 7031
RAL 9010
RAL Design
RAL 170 20 25
RAL 040 70 10
RAL 040 50 70
RAL 260 40 15
RAL 010 92 05
Funny stories about the 'Carmine'

The Carmine Chronicles: The Unlikely Heroes of Design

In a far away place, in the bustling city of Chromaville, where colors ruled the streets and hues held power, there lived two unlikely heroes: Karl Westwood, a car service worker with a knack for fixing anything with wheels, and Vivienne Frost, a meticulous cleaner with an eye for detail. Little did they know, their lives were about to be intertwined in the most bizarre and colorful adventure.

Karl was known for his precision and dedication to his craft. He could diagnose a car's problem just by listening to its engine's hum. His workshop was a symphony of tools and spare parts, each with its own place in the grand orchestra of mechanics. But Karl had a secret passion: colors. He loved experimenting with different shades of paint on old car parts, creating vibrant masterpieces that no one ever saw.
Man with a futuristic look and a neon red light on his face in a futuristic setting

Vivienne, on the other hand, was a master of cleanliness. She worked at the Chromaville Design Institute, ensuring that every corner sparkled and every surface shone. Her attention to detail was unmatched, and she took pride in her work. But Vivienne had a secret too: she was obsessed with the color carmine. She believed it was the most powerful and captivating color in the spectrum, capable of transforming anything it touched.

One fateful day, Karl received an unusual request. A mysterious client wanted their vintage car painted in a unique shade of carmine. Intrigued, Karl accepted the challenge. He spent days mixing and matching different pigments, trying to create the perfect carmine. But no matter what he did, the color never seemed right.

Frustrated, Karl decided to take a break and visit the Chromaville Design Institute for inspiration. As he wandered through the halls, he stumbled upon Vivienne, who was meticulously cleaning a display of color samples. Their eyes met, and Karl couldn't help but notice the vibrant carmine cloth she was using.

"Excuse me," Karl said, "where did you get that cloth? It's the exact shade of carmine I've been trying to create."
Carbster the unusual chils of crab mother and lobster fayjer

Vivienne smiled. "It's my own special blend. I've been perfecting it for years. Why do you ask?"

Karl explained his predicament, and Vivienne's eyes lit up with excitement. "I can help you," she said. "But on one condition: you have to let me be a part of this project."

Karl agreed, and thus began their strange partnership. They spent countless hours in Karl's workshop, mixing pigments and experimenting with different techniques. Vivienne's keen eye for detail and Karl's mechanical expertise proved to be the perfect combination. Slowly but surely, they created the most stunning shade of carmine Chromaville had ever seen.
Long hallway with a lot of shelves and plants in it and a laptop on the floor in the middle

Word of their creation spread like wildfire. Designers from all over the city flocked to see the carmine masterpiece. It wasn't long before the Chromaville Design Institute decided to adopt carmine as their official trademark color, thanks to Karl and Vivienne's groundbreaking work.

But their adventure didn't end there. The mysterious client who had commissioned the car turned out to be none other than the mayor of Chromaville. Impressed by their ingenuity, he offered them a position as the city's official color consultants. Karl and Vivienne accepted, and together, they transformed Chromaville into a vibrant, colorful utopia.

And so, the unlikely heroes of Chromaville, Karl Westwood and Vivienne Frost, became legends in the world of design. Their love for carmine not only brought them together but also changed the city forever. The Carmine Chronicles would be told for generations, a testament to the power of creativity and collaboration.

# General # Design
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