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Bright cerulean

Bright cerulean

HEX Triplet:
29, 172, 214
86, 20, 0, 16
193.6°, 76.1%, 47.6%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
Ball Blue
in RAL Classic:
RAL 5012
in RAL Design:
RAL 220 60 40
in RAL Effect:
RAL 690-2
in NCS:
NCS S 1060-B
What color is Bright cerulean?
2023-05-31 Snargl 1 minute 38 seconds
# General # Fashion

What color is Bright cerulean?

Ring with a bunch of different colored stones on it's surface
Sphere with a lot of blue lights on it in a dark room with a black background
Woman in a blue bra top and leather outfit standing in front of a full moon with a city street in the background
Man with blue eyes and a beard with a strange look on his face and chest
Cat dressed in a costume holding a sword and a light saber in its paws with a sky background
Blue diamond on top of a rock next to a blue sky and clouds background
Woman in a blue leather outfit and a helmet holding a box of jewelry in her hands and a building in the background
Man with blue hair and a blue shirt on a beach with a palm tree in the background
Futuristic hallway with blue lights and a lot of windows in it
Blue sports car parked in a parking lot at night time with lights on the side of it and a black car behind it
Blue butterfly with a white tip on its wing on a plant stem with leaves in the background
Man with a blue body and wings on his head and chest
Fantasy city with a clock tower and a clock tower on the side of it
Bright cerulean is a color name that refers to a shade of blue with a greenish tint.

It is also known as a quaternary color on the RYB color wheel, meaning that it is a mixture of primary and secondary colors.

Bright cerulean is a warm color, which means that it evokes feelings of energy, excitement, and passion.

It is also a calming color, which means that it can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and promote relaxation.

Bright cerulean is associated with water, sky, creativity, and communication.

Bright cerulean is a popular color for art, design, and fashion.

It can be used to create contrast, harmony, or mood in a composition.

It can also be used to attract attention, express personality, or convey a message.

Bright cerulean can be paired with other colors to create different effects.

For example, it can be combined with white, gray, or black for a classic look, with yellow, orange, or red for a dynamic look, or with purple, pink, or green for a playful look.

Bright cerulean is a color that has many variations and names.

For example, cerulean blue is a darker and more saturated version of bright cerulean, while cerulean is a lighter and more muted version of bright cerulean.

There are also other colors that are similar to bright cerulean, such as azure, turquoise, aqua, and teal.

In conclusion, bright cerulean is a color that is defined by its hue, saturation, and lightness values, as well as its hexadecimal code.

It is a shade of blue with a greenish tint, and it is a warm and calming color.

It is a color that can be used for various purposes and occasions, and it can be mixed with other colors to create different effects.

Bright cerulean is a color that has many variations and names, and it is a color that is appreciated by many people.

Example of the palette with the Bright cerulean color

Picture with primary colors of Onyx, Antique White, Bright cerulean, Turquoise green and Dark cerulean
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 9000-N
NCS S 0907-Y30R
NCS S 1060-B
NCS S 2020-G
NCS S 4050-R90B
RAL Classic
RAL 9005
RAL 1013
RAL 5012
RAL 6019
RAL 5010
RAL Design
RAL 170 20 20
RAL 050 90 10
RAL 220 60 40
RAL 150 80 20
RAL 260 30 35
RAL Effect
RAL 790-5
RAL 150-4
RAL 690-2
RAL 760-2
RAL 640-M

Example of the palette with the Bright cerulean color

Picture with primary colors of Smoky black, Bright cerulean, Cafe au lait, Baby blue and Mint cream
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 9000-N
NCS S 1060-B
NCS S 4010-Y30R
NCS S 1040-R90B
NCS S 0505-B
RAL Classic
RAL 9005
RAL 5012
RAL 1011
RAL 6027
RAL 9016
RAL Design
RAL 170 20 20
RAL 220 60 40
RAL 040 50 30
RAL 220 80 25
RAL 340 92 05

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