Home Colors
Bottle green

Bottle green

HEX Triplet:
0, 106, 78
100, 0, 26, 58
164.2°, 100%, 20.8%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
Teal green
in RAL Classic:
RAL 6016
in RAL Design:
RAL 170 40 50
in RAL Effect:
RAL 220-3
What color is Bottle green? What looks best in Bottle green?
2023-05-31 Snargl 2 minutes 54 seconds
# General # Imagination

What color is Bottle green?

Man in a green shirt holding a ball and a fist in his right hand and a clock in the background
Bedroom with a green bed and a chandelier hanging from the ceiling and a green curtained window
Woman with a short blonde haircut and a black hoodie is looking at the camera with a serious look on her face
City street with a lot of traffic and a lot of lights on it at night time with a green streak
Woman in a green dress on a table next to a window with a glass of orange juice
Woman in a green suit is standing on a ledge with a city in the background and a butterfly flying overhead
Man with green hair and piercings in a city setting with skyscrapers in the background and a cityscape in the foreground
Painting of a city with a clock tower in the background and a green light in the middle of the picture
Man in a green suit with a beard and a mustache standing in a room with a ceiling light
Close up of a person wearing a helmet and a blue dress with intricate designs on it's face
Woman with a hood on in the woods with stars on her face
Man in a green outfit with a hood on and a mustache on his head
Green and gold colored head of a dragon with green eyes and a green headband
Man in a green and black costume with a green helmet and yellow gloves on his face and hands

Bottle green is a dark green color that resembles the color of a clear green glass bottle.

The hexadecimal code of bottle green is #006A4E.

This means it is composed of 0% red, 41.57% green and 30.59% blue in the RGB color space.

The CMYK color space, which is used in printers, has the values of 100% cyan, 0% magenta, 26% yellow and 58% black for bottle green.

Bottle green is a cool and calming color that can create a sense of nature, harmony and balance.

It is often associated with environmental issues, health, growth and freshness.

This color evokes feelings of stability, security and reliability.

It is a versatile and interesting color that can be used in various ways and contexts.

Bottle green is used as a background color, a text color, a border color, or an accent color.

It can also be used to create gradients, patterns, textures, and other effects.

This color can evoke different emotions and associations, depending on how it is used and combined.

Example of the palette with the Bottle green color

Picture with primary colors of Bottle green, Ash grey, Cadet blue, Pearl and Dark lava
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 5045-B10G
NCS S 2005-G
NCS S 3020-B10G
NCS S 1505-Y30R
NCS S 7005-Y80R
RAL Classic
RAL 6032
RAL 7038
RAL 5024
RAL 1013
RAL 8014
RAL Design
RAL 170 40 40
RAL 000 75 00
RAL 190 60 20
RAL 080 90 10
RAL 050 20 10
RAL Effect
RAL 740-6
RAL 850-2
RAL 730-M
RAL 780-1
RAL 330-6

Example of the palette with the Bottle green color

Picture with primary colors of Bottle green, Zinnwaldite, Macaroni and Cheese, Ochre and Russet
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 5045-B10G
NCS S 8010-Y30R
NCS S 1030-Y60R
NCS S 2060-Y30R
NCS S 5030-Y50R
RAL Classic
RAL 6032
RAL 8022
RAL 1001
RAL 2010
RAL 8029
RAL Design
RAL 170 40 40
RAL 000 15 00
RAL 060 80 40
RAL 070 60 70
RAL 050 30 36
RAL Effect
RAL 740-6
RAL 790-5
RAL 420-2
RAL 360-3
RAL 350-5

What looks best in Bottle green?

Woman with a very long hair standing in the snow in front of a house with a sunset behind her. Color #006A4E.
Robot in a body of water in front of a city skyline with tall buildings. Example of CMYK 100,0,26,58 color.
Blue bull with horns is in the water near some trees and rocks and a mountain range in the background. Color Bottle green.
Painting of a woman with colorful hair and blue eyes and a pink jacket on her shirt. Example of #006A4E color.
Robot is walking through a puddle of water in a futuristic city setting with tall buildings. Color CMYK 100,0,26,58.
Bottle green color example: Man in a blue suit and helmet with a backpack on his back
Bottle green is a dark, rich shade of green that can create a sophisticated and elegant look.

It is a versatile color that can be paired with different hues, textures, and materials to suit various occasions and styles.

Here are some examples of what looks best in bottle green:
  • For a formal or business attire, bottle green can be worn as a suit, a dress, or a blouse.
    It can be matched with neutral colors like black, white, beige, or gray, or with metallic accents like gold or silver.
    A bottle green tie or scarf can also add a touch of class to a simple outfit.

  • For a casual or relaxed look, bottle green can be combined with lighter shades of green, blue, or yellow, or with warm colors like orange, red, or pink.
    A bottle green sweater, jacket, or coat can be cozy and comfortable, while a bottle green shirt, skirt, or pants can be fun and playful.

  • For a creative or artistic expression, bottle green can be mixed with contrasting or complementary colors like purple, magenta, or rosewood.
    A bottle green hat, shoes, or accessories can also make a statement and show off your personality.
    Bottle green is a color that can suit anyone, regardless of their skin tone, hair color, or eye color.

It can also reflect different moods and emotions, such as calmness, confidence, or mystery.

Bottle green is a color that can make you look and feel your best.

Example of the palette with the Bottle green color

Picture with primary colors of Bottle green, Cadet blue, Deep chestnut, Caput mortuum and Mauvelous
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 5045-B10G
NCS S 3020-B10G
NCS S 3040-Y90R
NCS S 6030-Y80R
NCS S 1040-R10B
RAL Classic
RAL 6032
RAL 5024
RAL 3033
RAL 3005
RAL 3015
RAL Design
RAL 170 40 40
RAL 190 60 20
RAL 040 50 50
RAL 020 20 29
RAL 010 70 35
RAL Effect
RAL 740-6
RAL 730-M
RAL 440-3
RAL 350-M
RAL 480-5

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