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Anti-flash White

Anti-flash White # Design

HEX Triplet:
242, 243, 244
1, 0, 0, 4
210°, 8.3%, 95.3%
Closest colors:
in RGB:
in RAL Classic:
RAL 9003
in RAL Design:
RAL 290 92 05
in RAL Effect:
RAL 120-2
in NCS:
NCS S 1000-N
How the Anti-flash White color can be used in the interior? How to decorate the garden in the Anti-flash White color?
2023-05-17 Snargl 16 minutes 4 seconds
# General # Fashion # Imagination # Design

How the Anti-flash White color can be used in the interior?

Room with a desk
Room with a desk and chairs and a computer monitor on the wall and a window with a city view
Room with a desk and a chair in it and a painting on the wall behind it and a window
Woman dressed in a futuristic suit and holding a laptop computer in a room with a large window and a desk
Room with a blue floor and a large window with bright light coming through it and a door leading to another room
Long hallway with a light coming through the ceiling and a door leading to another room
Vase with flowers on a table with a light shining behind it and a butterfly wing above it
Room with a lot of plants in it and a big window in the back ground of the room
Bedroom with a bed
Tv is on a stand with a painting on it's wall behind it and a plant in the corner
Anti-flash white is a unique color that reflects all light.

It can be used in the interior to create a bright, spacious, and elegant effect.

Here are some tips on how to use anti-flash white in the interior design:
  • Consider your light source: Anti-flash white works best with natural light, as it reflects and brightens the room.
    If you have a lot of windows, you can use anti-flash white with some natural colors to create a soothing and harmonious atmosphere.

  • Add some texture: Anti-flash white can look too plain or cold if it is not paired with some texture.
    You can use materials like wood, brick, tile, marble, fur, or wool to add some warmth and interest to your white space.
    For example, you can use a wooden floor, a brick wall, a marble countertop, or a fur rug to contrast with the white walls and furniture.

  • Use some accents: Anti-flash white can also serve as a neutral backdrop for some colorful or bold accents.
    Use some accessories, artworks, plants, or pillows to add some pops of color and personality to your white room.
    For example, you can use a red sofa, a blue painting, a green plant, or a yellow pillow to create some focal points and drama in your white space.

Anti-flash white is a versatile and elegant color that can be used in any interior style.

It can make your space look larger, brighter, and cleaner.

However, it can also look boring or sterile if it is not balanced with some texture and color.

By following these tips, you can use anti-flash white to create a beautiful and cozy interior.

Example of the palette with the Anti-flash White color

Picture with primary colors of Anti-flash White, Pastel blue, Dark electric blue, Charcoal and Cool grey
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 0510-R70B
NCS S 2010-R80B
NCS S 5020-B
NCS S 7005-R80B
NCS S 3020-R70B
RAL Classic
RAL 9016
RAL 7035
RAL 7031
RAL 7026
RAL 7001
RAL Design
RAL 340 92 05
RAL 190 80 10
RAL 260 40 15
RAL 200 30 05
RAL 260 60 15
RAL Effect
RAL 120-2
RAL 180-1
RAL 830-6
RAL 750-6
RAL 810-2

How to decorate the garden in the Anti-flash White color?

Painting of a snowy landscape with a stream and trees in the background and a lit up lamp post
Garden with a white building in the background and lots of trees and bushes around it
White vase with a gold decoration on it's side and a candle in the background with a window
Anti-flash white is a neutral color that can create a serene and elegant atmosphere in your garden.

Here are some ideas on how to decorate your garden in the anti-flash white color:
  • Paint your garden furniture, such as chairs, tables, benches, or planters, in anti-flash white.
    This will create a contrast with the greenery and flowers in your garden and make them stand out more.
    You can also add some cushions or throws in different colors to add some warmth and coziness to your seating area.

  • Use anti-flash white tiles to create a patio or a pathway in your garden.
    Tiles are durable and easy to clean, and they can also add some texture and pattern to your garden.
    You can choose tiles with geometric shapes, floral motifs, or mosaic designs to create some visual interest.
    Alternatively, you can use anti-flash white gravel or pebbles to create a natural and rustic look for your garden floor.

  • Plant some flowers that have anti-flash white petals or centers, such as daisies, roses, lilies, or hydrangeas.
    These flowers will create a harmonious and romantic look for your garden and attract bees and butterflies.
    Mix them with other colors, such as purple, pink, or yellow, to create some contrast and variety.
    You can plant them in pots, baskets, or beds, depending on your preference and space.

  • Hang some anti-flash white lanterns, fairy lights, or candles in your garden to create some ambiance and illumination at night.
    These lights will cast a soft and warm glow over your garden and make it more inviting and relaxing.
    Hang them on trees, fences, walls, or pergolas, or place them on tables, steps, or windowsills.
    You can also use solar-powered lights to save energy and money.

  • Add some anti-flash white accessories, such as statues, sculptures, birdhouses, or wind chimes, to your garden to add some personality and charm.
    These accessories will reflect your style and taste and make your garden more unique and attractive.
    You can also use them to create some focal points or accents in your garden and draw attention to certain areas or features.

Example of the palette with the Anti-flash White color

Picture with primary colors of Ruddy brown, Anti-flash White, Dark jungle green, Cadet grey and Banana yellow
Top 5 color shades of the illustration. Arranged in descending order of frequency of occurrence (first - more often, last - more rare).
See these colors in NCS, PANTONE, RAL palettes...
NCS (Natural Color System)
NCS S 3050-Y30R
NCS S 0510-R70B
NCS S 8005-B80G
NCS S 3010-B70G
NCS S 0560-Y
RAL Classic
RAL 2001
RAL 9016
RAL 8022
RAL 7001
RAL 1018
RAL Design
RAL 060 50 60
RAL 340 92 05
RAL 160 20 20
RAL 180 70 10
RAL 080 80 70

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