
2023-07-18 Snargl 0 minute 0 second

What kind of animal is Pogonysh?

Pogonysh is the Russian name for a group of small birds in the family Rallidae, also known as crakes or rails.

They are related to coots, moorhens, and gallinules.

They have short, rounded wings, long toes, and a short tail.

They live in wetlands, marshes, and reedbeds, where they feed on seeds, insects, and other small animals.

They are usually shy and secretive, but some species can be very vocal, especially at night.

They have brown or black plumage, often with spots, stripes, or bars.


Where does the Pogonysh live?

The Pogonysh (Porzana porzana) is a bird of the Rallidae family, also known as the Spotted Crake or the Common Crake.

It lives in wetlands with dense vegetation, such as reedbeds, marshes, ponds, and river floodplains.

It prefers habitats with open water and floating plants, where it can swim and feed on insects, spiders, snails, worms, seeds, and aquatic plants.

It is a migratory species that breeds in Europe and Asia, and winters in Africa and western Asia.

It is a secretive and nocturnal bird, that is rarely seen but often heard.

Its voice is a series of loud and harsh calls, such as "kwek", "vuit-kwor", or "kik-kik-kik-kik...", that sound like a frog or a duck.

It is a small and slender bird, with a brownish-olive back and wings, marked with black and white spots.

Its throat, breast, and belly are bluish-grey, and its rear and undertail are striped with white and buff.

It has a greenish bill, with a red base, and red eyes.

The female is similar to the male, but has a buffish breast and grey cheeks.

The young are paler and duller, with a whitish belly.


What does the Pogonysh look like?

The Pogonysh is a small bird that belongs to the family of rails and crakes.

It has a speckled plumage with a grey head and neck, a brownish-olive back and wings, and a whitish belly.

This bird has a yellowish-green bill and legs, and a red eye.

The Pogonysh lives in wetlands, marshes, and flooded meadows across Eurasia.

It is a migratory bird that winters in Africa or the Mediterranean region.

This bird feeds on insects, worms, snails, seeds, and aquatic plants.

The Pogonysh is a secretive and shy bird that prefers to walk or run among the vegetation, rather than fly.

It can also climb on stems and branches.

This bird is mostly active at night, especially during the breeding season, when it produces a loud and rhythmic whistling song.

The Pogonysh builds a nest of grass and reeds, usually hidden among the dense vegetation near the water.

It lays 6-12 eggs, which are incubated by both parents for about 18 days.

The chicks are precocial and leave the nest soon after hatching.

The Pogonysh is not a threatened species, but it faces some threats from habitat loss, drainage, pollution, and predation.

It is also hunted for food or sport in some parts of its range.


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