
2023-07-18 Snargl 0 minute 0 second

What is the animal Ilicura known for?

Ilicura is the name of a genus of birds that belongs to the manakin family, Pipridae.
The only species in this genus is the pin-tailed manakin ( Ilicura militaris ), which is endemic to the eastern coast of Brazil.
This bird is known for its striking sexual dimorphism, with the male having a bright red forehead and rump, a black and green plumage, and a long, forked tail that resembles a pin.
The female is mostly olive-green, with a gray face and throat, and a white chest.
The pin-tailed manakin is also known for its elaborate courtship ritual, called lekking, where the male performs acrobatic displays and vocalizations to attract the female.

A joke about the pin-tailed manakin is:
  • What do you call a pin-tailed manakin that likes to sew? A tailor bird!

  • Why did the pin-tailed manakin cross the road? To get to the other lek!

  • How does a pin-tailed manakin say hello? By tipping its pin!


Where does the Ilicura live?

The Ilicura is a bird that belongs to the manakin family, Pipridae.
The Ilicura is endemic to the Eastern coast of Brazil, where it inhabits the humid Atlantic Forest.
Its range extends from the state of Bahia to the state of Rio Grande do Sul.


What does the Ilicura look like?

Ilicura is a bird that belongs to the family of manakins.
It is also known as the pin-tailed manakin because of its distinctive tail shape.
The Ilicura has different colors depending on its sex.
In the male, the head, back and tail are black, while the forehead, rump and tail tip are red.
The face, neck, chest and belly are white.
The female is mostly olive-green, with a gray face and throat, and a white belly.
The tail is shorter and wedge-shaped.

The Ilicura is a bird of beauty
With a tail that looks like a pin
It lives in the Brazilian forest
Where it dances and sings with its kin

The male is a sight to behold
With his colors of black, red and white
He flutters his wings and his tail
To impress the female with his might

The female is more modest in hue
But she has a charm of her own
She chooses the mate that she likes
And builds a nest for their home

The Ilicura is a bird of wonder
With a voice that sounds like a flute
It fills the air with its music
And makes the forest more cute


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