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2023-07-18 Snargl 0 minute 0 second

What kind of animal is Greenfinch?

A greenfinch is a type of bird that belongs to the finch family.
It has a large conical bill and yellow patches on its wings and tail.
It lives in Europe, North Africa and Southwest Asia, and sometimes in other places where it has been introduced.
It eats mainly seeds, but also insects when feeding its young.
It builds its nest in trees or bushes, and lays four to six eggs.
It has a greenish colour, but the females are more grey-green than the males.
It has a loud and musical song, and often forms flocks with other finches.


What is the animal Greenfinch known for?

The greenfinch is a small bird that belongs to the finch family.
It is known for its olive-green plumage, yellow wing and tail stripes, and large conical bill.
The greenfinch is widespread throughout Europe, North Africa and Southwest Asia, and has also been introduced to other regions such as Australia and New Zealand.

The greenfinch feeds mainly on seeds, but also eats insects and fruits.
It often visits bird feeders and gardens, where it can be seen in flocks with other finches.
The greenfinch has a loud and musical song, consisting of trills, whistles and twitters.
It also makes a distinctive wheezing call, which sounds like "dzweee".

The greenfinch breeds from April to July, and usually has two or three broods per year.
The female builds a cup-shaped nest of grass, moss and twigs, and lays four to six eggs.
The eggs are pale blue with reddish-brown spots, and hatch after 12 to 14 days.
The chicks are fed by both parents, and fledge after 13 to 18 days.
The greenfinch can live up to 10 years in the wild.

The greenfinch is a common and widespread bird, but it has suffered from population declines in some areas due to habitat loss, predation, and diseases such as trichomonosis.
The greenfinch is protected by law in most countries, and is listed as least concern by the IUCN.


What does the Greenfinch look like?

The Greenfinch is a small, stout bird with a cone-shaped bill and a forked tail.

Males, in particular, live up to their common and scientific name (Chloris means greenish-yellow) with an olive-green overall appearance.

Both sexes have yellow stripes along the sides of the tail and wings.

Males aren’t all green.

They have greyish-brown on the back and wings, and a greyish-white belly.

Females and juveniles are duller and more brownish than males.

The Greenfinch belongs to the finch family Fringillidae, and has a Eurasian distribution except for the European Greenfinch, which also occurs in North Africa.


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