2023-07-18 Snargl 00:00
Where does the Leistus live?
The Leistus is a genus of ground beetles that lives in the Holarctic region, which includes Europe, Asia, North America and parts of Africa.
There are more than 250 species of Leistus, each with different habitats and distributions.
Cofounder, Graphic Designer, AI ArtistWhat does the Leistus look like?
Leistus is a genus of ground beetles in the family Carabidae.
They have a slender body, a small head with a pair of large eyes, and long antennae.
Their mandibles are flattened and have a lobe-like projection.
Their maxillae have a process with long movable hairs.
Their tongue has a three-toothed tip.
Their legs are hairy on the upper side.
Links: Read more on Wikipedia:
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