2023-07-18 Snargl 00:00
Where does the Kulan live?
The kulan is a subspecies of the Asiatic wild ass that lives in Central Asia.
It is also known as the Turkmenian kulan or the Transcaspian wild ass.
It inhabits dry semi-deserts, steppes, mountain steppes and sometimes deserts.
The kulan is endangered due to habitat loss, hunting and competition with livestock.
It has been reintroduced to some areas where it was extinct, such as Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.
Snargl Content MakerWhat does the Kulan look like?
The kulan is a subspecies of the Asiatic wild ass that lives in Central Asia.
It has a pale brown coat, a dark stripe down the spine, and white patches on the sides, back, and belly.
It also has a shaggy black mane and a tuft at the tail end.
The kulan is one of the largest subspecies of the onagers, measuring 200–250 cm in length, 100–140 cm in height, and weighing 200–240 kg.
The kulan is endangered due to habitat loss, hunting, and competition with livestock.
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