2023-07-18 Snargl 00:00
What does the Hallucigenia look like?
Hallucigenia is an extinct animal that lived about 500 million years ago in the Cambrian period.
It is considered a lobopodian, a group of worm-like animals with legs, and a possible ancestor of arthropods and velvet worms.
Hallucigenia had a long, thin body with up to ten pairs of legs, each ending with one or two claws.
On its back, it had seven pairs of spines that were made of nested elements and covered with tiny scales or papillae.
Its head was either elongated or rounded, depending on the species, and had simple eyes, a mouth with radial teeth, and needle-like teeth in the front of the gut.
Hallucigenia was named because of its bizarre and dream-like appearance, and its reconstruction has changed several times over the years.
It was first thought to be a worm, then an animal walking on its spines with tentacles on its back, and finally an animal walking on its legs with spines on its back.
It is one of the most unusual and mysterious creatures of the Cambrian explosion, a period of rapid diversification of life forms.
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